Friday, September 27, 2024

Proton Mail Bridge Thunderbird setup guide for Windows, macOS, and Linux | Proton

Proton Mail Bridge Thunderbird setup guide for Windows, macOS, and Linux | Proton

Proton Mail Bridge Thunderbird setup guide for Windows, macOS, and Linux | Proton

Proton Mail Bridge is an open-source application that allows you to fully integrate your Proton Mail account with any program that supports IMAP and SMTP. This includes Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, and Apple Mail.

It runs in the background on your computer and seamlessly encrypts and decrypts your mail as it enters and leaves your computer.

Before you configure Thunderbird to use Proton Mail, you must first sign up for a Proton Mail plan and download and install Proton Mail Bridge on your computer.

Once you’ve installed and added your account(s) to Proton Mail Bridge, you will need to configure your email client. Proton Mail Bridge works with most email clients and applications that support IMAP/SMTP connections.

In this guide, we provide step-by-step instructions to configure Mozilla Thunderbird to use with Proton Mail Bridge in Windows, macOS, and Linux.

How to set up Mozilla Thunderbird with Proton Mail Bridge
Set up Mozilla Thunderbird to send from Proton Mail aliases

How to set up Mozilla Thunderbird with Proton Mail Bridge

To add Proton Mail to Thunderbird using Bridge:

1. Open Thunderbird, and click the hamburger Menu at the top right → New Account → Existing Email

2. Enter your name, email address, and Proton Mail Bridge password.

Fields to enter your name, email address, and password in Thunderbird

The name you enter in Your full name will be used as your display name. Make sure you enter the password displayed in the Bridge Mailbox details rather than your regular account password.

3. Click Continue, and the server settings should be detected automatically. You’ll see the message Configuration found at email provider.

Configuration found at email provider message showing that Thunderbird has automatically found the correct information for Bridge

If you’re using a custom domain, you’ll need to click on Configure manually.

Configure manually link to set up Proton Mail Bridge in Thunderbird

Then enter the details from the Bridge Mailbox Details section manually.

Thunderbird advanced setup screen to configure your custom domain

4. Click Done, and you’ll be asked to confirm the exception for the security certificate. Since Proton Mail Bridge uses a certificate locally on your device, this can’t be signed by a certificate authority and requires you to confirm it manually.

Prompt to confirm the exception for the security certificate for IMAP

5. Thunderbird will now be able to fetch your emails. To send emails, you’ll need to confirm the certificate for SMTP. To trigger this, send a test message. When you press Send, you’ll receive the same popup as above but for the SMTP port.

Prompt to confirm the exception for the security certificate for SMTP

Once you confirm the exception, you might get an error message. You can dismiss it, then try to send the message again. It should work this time.

Set up Mozilla Thunderbird to send from Proton Mail aliases

If you want to send from your alias addresses, you can add them to Thunderbird as follows:

1. Open Thunderbird and go to Menu Account Settings.
2. Select the account, and click Manage Identities at the bottom.
3. Click Add to add your email alias.
4. Enter the necessary details, such as Name and Email Address, and click OK.

If you want to add each address as a separate account to Thunderbird, you can use split address mode.

And you’re done! You can now use your Proton Mail account with Thunderbird to send and receive messages.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

70 of the Most Useful Websites on the Internet

101 Useful websites

According to Johnny Webber from the  Daily Zen List, here are his 70 most useful websites on the internet.

by Johnny Webber

1. — Find something random to watch on Netflix.
2. — Print webpages to drink a pint in the sun.
3. — Upload your gifs.
4. — Convert documents.
5. — Download all the free software you want at the same time.
6. — Speed read the web one word at a time.
7. — Find out which applications you should remove from your computer.
8. — Find places to go in public that are not crowded.
9. — Practice your touch typing.
10. — Get old versions of software.
11. — Find out how readable your text is.
12. — Have emails sent when you die.
13. — Budget your money.
14. — Plan your route with the best lodging and attractions.
15. — A search engine that is not following you.
16. — Maps out possible apartments/homes that fit your criteria.
17. — Another great source for finding your next home.
18. — Make any webpage print friendly.
19. — Print precisely what you want from any webpage.
20. — Write a note to someone that will self-destruct after they read it.
21. — A network of people giving away free stuff in their towns.
22. — Crash on someone's couch anywhere in the world.
23. — Search for recipes based on the ingredients you have.
24. — A search engine for finding people.
25. — Evaluates various charities.
26. — Popular news headlines.
27. — Listen to radio channels across the nation.
28. — A movie suggestion engine.
29. — A computational knowledge engine.
30. — Follow satellites and constellations.
31. — Figure out your IP address.
32. — Improve reading speed and comprehension.
33. — Listen to white noise.
34. — Tracks prices for any product.
35. — An interactive periodic table.

36. — Find coupons for just about anything.
37. — Search all of Craigslist with one search.
38. — Peek in on somebody’s computer screen.
39. — Find out the best way to glue this to that.
40. — Find out what your website is missing, how you can improve it, and how to make Google recognize it better.
41. — Draw on maps then share them with friends.
42. — Video email.
43. — Online rhyming dictionary.
44. — Design your dream home.
45. — An easy way to send big files.
46. — A place to paste the text.
47. — Make it sound like you are hard at work.
48. — Back up your sensitive document online.
49. — Find out where the best seats are on your plane flight.
50. — Find out which websites store data about you, and tell them to unlist your info.
51. — Compare two foods.
52. — Find local gas prices.
53. — Plan out your sleep schedule better.
54. — Find out when certain fruits are ripe.
55. — Talk out your problems with others, or help others yourself.
56. — Swap books with others.
57. — Plan out your meals better.
58. — A graphical look at the weather.
59. — Various network tools.
60. — The best place to buy things online.
61. — Correct grammar and check for plagiarism.
62. — Send yourself a wake-up call.
63. — Plan out your next PC build.
64. — Talk to an actual person instead of a machine when you call customer service.
65. — Find out how long it takes websites to load.
66. — Find nutrition information on various foods.
67. — A database of PDF manuals for various products.
68. — Create meal plans to meet your nutrition targets.
69. — Lock yourself out of time-wasting websites.
70. — Research what it is like to work with certain companies.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Complete Guide to Robert's Rules of Order Minutes + Template - iBabs

Complete Guide to Robert's Rules of Order Minutes + Template - iBabs

Download the Formal Meeting Minutes Template 

Complete Guide to Robert's Rules of Order Minutes + Template

iBabs Content

Robert’s Rules of Order (also known as RONR or Robert’s Rules) were initially created in the 1870s as a set of parliamentary guidelines. The author, Henry Martyn Robert, was an American soldier who wrote the book as a result of a poorly-ran church meeting. His rules were originally based on the proceedings of the US Senate. Today, Robert’s Rules are widely used for US parliamentary procedure as well as by various types of organisations to help meetings run smoothly.

After its original publication in 1876, Robert himself published the second, third and fourth revisions before his death in 1923. With twelve revisions based on feedback and cultural changes, the latest edition was published in September 2020: Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised

One of the fundamentals of Robert’s Rules is to keep meeting minutes. The minutes are the only record of everything discussed at the meeting. In addition, minutes keep tabs on the result of any votes and actions planned. In this article, we’ll explore how to keep proper minutes according to RONR and will provide a Robert’s Rules Of Order minutes template to help.

What does Robert’s Rules of Order say about minutes?

Minutes are an important record of the assembly or meeting. They also allow absentees to see what was discussed from an impartial point of view, rather than from someone in attendance. Remember that minutes aren’t a play-by-play of everything that happened and everything that all members said (like a court reporter). Minutes are simply a summary of what happened.

We’ve mentioned in another article the crucial role the secretary has to play in a meeting, and the main role includes taking the minutes at meetings. This can be done on paper, on a laptop using an application such as Microsoft Word or on any device you like using board portal software. So, in your role as the secretary, how should you take minutes?

How to structure your minutes

To ensure that everything necessary is included, try the following structure when writing your minutes. To make it easy, keep the order of the minutes the same as the agenda of the meeting.

The opening paragraph

Your minutes should include the first paragraph with the following details (use the following checklist to verify):

To include:Example:Done:
The name of the organisation taking partMinutes for Microsoft
The kind of meeting it isAnnual Shareholder’s Meeting
The date, time and locationHeld on 01/01/2021, at Microsoft Reading. Meeting started at 2 pm.
The names of the presiding officer and secretary in attendanceJohn Smith in attendance as presiding officer. Paul Newman in attendance as secretary.
A note around the previous meeting’s minutesThe motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting on [date] has passed.

The body of the minutes

The next section is the body of the minutes - which cover everything that happens in the meeting. This includes:

  • All main motions and who they were made by (you don’t have to include who seconded them)
  • Motions that bring a new question before the meeting
  • The final wording of any motion adopted or disposed of, including any debates or amendments if this is appropriate
  • Information about the vote including the type of vote and what kind of ruling there was (majority, two-thirds vote etc.)
  • Secondary motions
  • Notices of motions
  • All points of order (including appeals)
  • Any disorderly conduct: the words used must be noted to set a future precedent. 

Adjournment and signature of the secretary

Once the meeting has been adjourned, secretaries can then finalise the minutes. In this section, it’s important to include/note:

  • Any motions or debates that were over to a committee and their report
  • Any informal questions 
  • The full text of any officers’ reports mentioned during the meeting (or point to an area where this is available)
  • The names of guests and their presentation without a summary of what they said

Submit the draft minutes as “for approval” until they have been signed off by all members.

Since it is a legal record of what was said, secretaries must sign the minutes as evidence that the minutes are authentic.

Approval of and corrections to the minutes

All corrections should be added before the next regular meeting. Only then can the secretary finally approve the minutes. If you’re using a paper-based process for this, this step can be very time-consuming because it will require a lot of printing, signing and chasing of directors. This problem can be solved with a cloud-based board meeting portal that allows participants to edit the meetings online, on any device they like, with the highest level of security. 

Finalised form of the minutes

Once agreed, the copy including amendments or corrections will be signed and dated by the secretary. If you’re using a digital solution, this can be done without printing the documents by simply placing a valid electronic signature.

Meeting minutes templates

To get started, try one of the following templates for your next meeting.

Minutes of a formal meeting

Minutes for [Organisation]

Call to order

A [meeting type] meeting of [organisation] was held at [date] at [venue]. It began at [time] and was presided over by [presiding officer or chairman’s name] with [secretary’s name] as secretary.


Voting members in attendance: [list]

Guests in attendance: [list]

Members not in attendance: [list]

Approval of minutes

A motion to approve the minutes of the [previous date] meeting was made by [name]. 

Officer’s reports

[Report name] was presented by [officer’s name]

[Report name] was presented by [officer’s name]

[Report name] was presented by [officer’s name]

Other reports

[Report name] was presented by [name of other presenter]. The following resolution was adopted: [resolution]

Main motions

Main motion: Moved by [name]. The motion [carried or failed] with [number] in favour and [number] against by a ballot vote.

Main motion: Moved by [name]. The motion [carried or failed] with [number] in favour and [number] against by a ballot vote.

Main motion: Moved by [name]. The motion [carried or failed] with [number] in favour and [number] against by a ballot vote.




[Name of mover] moved that the meeting be adjourned, and this was agreed upon at [time of adjournment].

Secretary signature

Date of approval

Minutes of a basic meeting

Minutes for [Organisation]





Members in attendance: [list]

Members not in attendance: [list]

Agenda items

  1. Agenda item and presenter 

Action items

  1. Description, responsibility and due date

Other notes


Tips for keeping better minutes using Robert’s Rules

To keep your meeting minutes clear and concise, use the following tips:

  1. Prep ahead of time, using the agenda as an outline
  2. Start with the basics: time, date, location and attendance
  3. Write everything that was done or achieved, without the discussion points or quotes
  4. Use a laptop or tablet rather than handwriting notes for efficiency
  5. Keep the minutes in order of the flow of the meeting
  6. Record motions with as much accuracy as possible and clarify them after if you’re unsure
  7. Finalise your minutes while the meeting is fresh on your mind to ensure accuracy.

If you’re looking for more best practices, check out our selection of minute taking tips.


We’ve put together some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and reminders when it comes to Robert’s Rules of Order or RONR. 

What information do you need in board minutes?
It’s important to include the following in your board meeting minutes:

  • The date, time and location of the meeting
  • The meeting type
  • The names of the presiding officer and secretary
  • Any reports or presentations from the presiding officer, officers or guest speakers
  • All main motions, including votes and the type of vote cast
  • Any points of order
  • The time when the meeting was adjourned.

What can the secretary leave out of minutes?

Secretaries should generally leave names out of minutes, with the exception of the presiding officer, secretary, committees and guest speakers. For example, in a debate, you wouldn’t note any quotes or who was on which side of the conversation. You can also leave out information about who seconded any motions in the minutes. Finally, you can omit any action items or to-do lists, except in the case of informal or basic meetings. 

How do you write a motion for minutes of a meeting?

To write a motion for minutes of a meeting, use the following format: 

Main motion: Moved by [name]. The motion [carried or failed] with [number] in favour and [number] against by a ballot vote. 

You don’t need to include who seconded the motion, but you may wish to include any amendments made to the original motion put forward for clarity. 

Is there a difference between a formal meeting and an informal one as far as minutes are concerned?

Yes. The minutes for formal meetings are often legal records, so minutes must be kept in a certain way to make sure everything necessary is included. For informal meetings or board meetings with less than 12 members, you can keep notes on attendees, the meeting agenda, discussion points and action points. 

If minutes of a previous meeting are corrected, are the corrections entered in the minutes of the meeting at which the corrections were made?

The corrections should be written into the minutes being approved. The minutes of the meeting in which you are approving the previous minutes should just say that they were approved "as corrected".


While keeping the minutes is a big responsibility, there are a few ways to make it easier for yourself. By preparing ahead of time, keeping accurate notes during the meeting and finishing up quickly once the meeting has adjourned, you can make them as accurate as possible. If you’re still stuck, use our Robert’s Rules of Order Minutes Template to give you a helping hand!

References and further reading 



Saturday, June 8, 2024

Ventoy FULL walk-thru and review! #Backup Multiple OS and your key files on USB Flash Drive

The LAST flash drive you will ever need! Ventoy FULL walk-thru and review!

Welcome to Ask Your Computer Guy! My name is Scott, and I've got 30+ years experience with computers. On this channel, I make complicated tech solutions easy for the average person. I also offer tutorials, Windows tips & tricks, as well as helpful how-to videos on how to enhance your Windows experience! 

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Instead of having multiple flash drives with multiple ISO utility files on each, how about ONE drive with EVERYTHING on it - and as a bonus, I'm going to show you how to also use this one flash drive for your personal file backups as well! 

 Ventoy: #ventoy #bootableusb #bluescreenofdeath How large of a flash drive do you need? Find out here!    

Flash drives: 

Here are tools that I highly recommend and use personally every day... 

 ðŸ’¢ Hardware --- 

 ðŸ’¢ Here is some helpful/useful and FREE everyday software that you might enjoy! 

💢 Hey, do you want even MORE in-depth techie stuff? Check out my friend Nico's page, Nico Knows Tech. Tell him I sent you and watch the obscenities fly LOL ✔    / nicoknowstech   


 Scott, an IT professional, shares his discovery of a new tool called Ventoy that has revolutionized the way he creates bootable utility drives. Ventoy allows users to consolidate multiple ISO files onto a single flash drive, making it easy to access various utilities, repair disks, and installation media without the need for separate drives.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to download and set up Ventoy, as well as how to add ISO files for Windows 10, Windows 11, Linux Mint, and Hiren's Boot CD. The speaker also demonstrates how to boot from the Ventoy drive and access the various utilities.

In addition to the bootable utilities, the speaker explains how to use the Ventoy drive for personal file backup by creating a dedicated folder and using a free program called FBackup. This allows users to have a single flash drive that serves as both a utility drive and a personal backup solution.

Scott emphasizes the importance of choosing the right size flash drive based on the number of ISOs and personal files to be stored. He also provides resources for troubleshooting and recommends the essential utilities to include on every Ventoy drive.

Overall, the speaker is impressed with Ventoy and believes it is a game-changer for IT professionals and Windows users alike, simplifying the process of creating bootable utility drives and providing a convenient backup solution.


Here is the cleaned up transcript with corrected grammar, spelling, and added punctuation:

You know, one of the problems with being in the IT industry is that we tend to get set in our ways. After we've done hundreds and thousands of jobs, we tend to do things the way we've always done it, and we usually think our way is the best way or the only way. We're not usually very receptive to change, but today, this old dog just learned a new trick. So let me briefly explain to you why this is such an absolute game changer.

If you've watched any of my videos, you know I specialize in Windows tips, tricks, repair, things like that. But this doesn't just benefit me as a computer tech. If you have a Windows computer and maybe you've run into problems before, or maybe you've never had problems before, whether you've backed up your personal files or you've never done a backup, this new process is going to blow your mind.

Not too long ago, I published a video on this channel showing you how to make two individual utility drives. One of them was a Windows installer drive, and the other was a utility called Hiren's, which allows you to get in your computer, access your files, make changes, fix things, things like that. Well, the method that I showed you in the video is one I've used for 20 plus years in the industry, and it's pretty much the only way I've ever done it.

The video was super popular, and a lot of you found a lot of value in that video. And then the comments came by the hundreds. I got so many comments telling me, "Use Ventoy, use Ventoy, use Ventoy. This method is outdated. Use Ventoy." I said, "What's Ventoy?" I figured this many people saying the same thing over and over again couldn't be wrong. So I decided to check it out for myself and then make an updated version to my older video showing you this new method.

So in a nutshell, this program allows you to consolidate multiple ISO files onto one disk instead of having one separate disk for each individual utility. So now you can take this and make it look like this. And that is an added bonus. I tweaked it a little bit to make it even better for you. You're absolutely going to love what I'm going to show you.

So today, I'm going to show you how this new method is going to be so beneficial for you. And then I'm going to show you step by step how to download and install the files you need. It's not hard to do, even as a novice. Just make sure you follow the exact steps I lay out in the video. All you need is an internet connection and a flash drive. And stick around to the end of the video to hear my personal opinion of Ventoy and whether or not you think it'd be a great solution for you. So if at any point during the video you think I'm getting a little too far ahead of you, just feel free to pause and rewind and go over that section. Just follow each of my steps and I'll walk you all the way through it. So let's get into it.

Step one: You want to insert and identify your flash drive. Simply plug in your flash drive into your computer, and you're going to get a pop-up window like this. Make note of the drive letter, and then double click on that drive letter and make sure that there are no files on that drive you need to save.

Step two: You want to download the Ventoy software. Go to, click on downloads, click on the very first link you see, which is going to be a zip file. On the next page that comes up, scroll all the way down and click the fourth link here, which should be a Ventoy zip file. Go ahead and download it to your computer and make note of where you saved the file to.

Once the file is downloaded, you want to go to your downloads folder, right click, and extract that file using your extraction program of choice. Go ahead and extract the files, and then you'll see a pop-up like this with one folder inside of it and a handful of other files. Double click on the file that says "Ventoy2Disk.exe". This will run the Ventoy program, and you will see a window like this. Make sure your flash drive is the one that is selected. And once you've done that, go ahead and click on "install" and accept the defaults all the way through it. Confirm that you don't have any files on that flash drive because they will be wiped by this program. It'll take a couple seconds, and then you'll get a congratulations window. Just go ahead and click "OK", then you can go ahead and close any open windows.

Now the next step is to put some ISO files on that disk. The first thing I want to do is to download the Windows Media Creation Tools, which will give us access to Windows 10 and Windows 11 ISO files. So open your browser and type in "download Windows Media Creation Tool". The first link should be a Microsoft link, and you'll see it take you to this page. I'm going to right click on the Windows 10 and Windows 11 links and have them open in a new tab.

I'm going to then select the "Download Windows 10" tab and scroll down until I see "Download Now" and click on it. It's going to go ahead and download the Media Creation Tool. I need this to create the Windows 10 installation media. As before, make note of where you downloaded the file because we will need to run it once it's done downloading.

After the download is complete, go ahead and click on the Media Creation Tool and start the program. You should see a window that pops up that looks like this. When prompted, go ahead and accept the Microsoft agreement. Now, the next screen that comes up gives you two choices. "Create installation media" is the one we want, so select that and then click "Next".

The next screen comes up, prompts you for your language and edition. Just go ahead and select "Next" unless you need to change that. On this next screen, you want to click on "ISO file" and then click "Next". Go ahead and download the file and make note of what folder you download it to. At this point, the ISO file will start downloading. Just be patient, wait for it to finish.

Now, if you'd like a Windows 11 ISO, you can switch over to the other tab and then scroll down and select "Download Windows Disk Image (ISO)" for x64 devices. So you're going to want to first click on the "Select download" and choose the Windows 11 install, and then click "Download". You're going to get prompted to choose your language. Go ahead and select that and then click "Confirm". A couple minutes will go by, and then you'll get prompted with a blue button to click "64-bit Download". Go ahead and choose that and put it in whatever download folder you want. Again, make sure you pay attention to the folder you're putting the file in.

Now, if you have a Windows computer, these are totally optional. I am going to go ahead and download Linux Mint just to have it on that drive because apparently it is really good for being able to recover your files. If you don't want Linux, don't worry about it, just skip this part.

Now the next thing I'm going to do is download Hiren's Boot CD. So I'm going to go to Google and type "download Hiren's Boot USB". I'm going to click on the link here that takes me to the Hiren's website, and I'm going to click on the "Download" button up at the top, and that will take me to this page. And at the very bottom of the page, you'll see next to "File name", there's an ISO file. Go ahead and click on that and save it to your computer if you want Hiren's.

Now, I'm going to go ahead and address this now because this is one of the biggest comments I got. Your browser may tell you that the Hiren's download is not safe, it's malicious. Trust me, it's fine. I've downloaded it thousands of times. It's just your browser being overprotective. Just go ahead and tell your browser it's okay, save the file.

Now, there's a zillion other recovery disks you can download. I'm only covering these basic ones because these are ones that you absolutely need. But at the end of the day, once you've downloaded them all, if you go into that downloads folder, you'll see the ISO files that you actually downloaded. That's what we're going to copy to the Ventoy disk.

So from here, I would just simply hold down Control in Windows and select the ISO files that you want to move to Ventoy. And then when you're done, let go of the Control key and the mouse. Now, there's several different ways to do this. You can right click and copy and then paste to the Ventoy drive, or you can right click and send to the Ventoy drive, or you can just physically click the collection of files and drag them on top of the Ventoy drive. All of that does the same thing, and it'll begin the copying process.

Now, once the files are copied, open up your Windows File Explorer and click on the Ventoy drive, and you should see all of those ISO files right there in the directory. That's great. That's exactly what you want. And now you're ready to boot to the drive and get started.

Now the next step of the process is to select your boot device when you turn your computer on. Now, it differs with each manufacturer. Sometimes it's F12, sometimes it's hit Escape and then F9. Each manufacturer has a different boot order. So you need to investigate and find out with a quick Google search how to access your boot menu from your manufacturer.

Now we're ready to boot to the Ventoy disk. In my case, I hit F11, and then I can select my drive, and then I get this. I'm going to choose partition 2, which is my Ventoy disk. Then I will get the Ventoy menu. From here, you just simply select whichever ISO you want to boot from. In this case, I'm going to go ahead and select Linux Mint, scroll down, hit Enter, and then it will boot Linux. Choose normal mode and let it go. And just like that, within just a few seconds, I am running a full version of Linux on a Windows PC booted off a Ventoy disk. This is great if you need to go in and do any kind of file recovery or any other utilities, anything like that. You can just run Linux, or you can install it.

So I've rebooted the computer, I have selected my boot drive, and again loaded Ventoy. This time, I'm going to select the Windows 10 installer disk so I can go in and do some advanced troubleshooting in Windows. Scroll down, select Windows 10, tell it to boot in normal mode. And just like that, there's your Windows installer. You would click "Next" and then go to "Repair", and then you have access to all the Windows troubleshooting tools in case your Windows PC doesn't boot correctly.

Restarted the computer again and again selected the partition 2, which is my Ventoy. And this time, I'm going to choose the Windows 11 installation software so that I can go in and make changes to my Windows 11 system. Select boot to normal mode. And once again, just like Windows 10, you have the option to click "Next" and then go to "Repair my computer". And if you have a Windows 11 computer with issues, then you'll be able to use this disk to get to those advanced troubleshooting steps.

So this time I'm going to restart and load the Hiren's Boot CD, which is another great troubleshooting utility. Now, I know MediCat is the new and improved version that everybody loves. I'm an old school guy, so I'm still using Hiren's, but I will be making a video about MediCat soon. Either way, select Hiren's, load it, and next thing you know, you are at the Hiren's desktop interface, which gives you access to tons of troubleshooting utilities to possibly get you back into your computer or save your files.

So I restarted again and loaded Ubuntu off the Ventoy disk. So as you can see, you have tons of options. Anything that you can download as a bootable ISO, you can load to this Ventoy disk and explore, play, fix, whatever you want to do. All you have to do to add another ISO is simply download it and copy it to the Ventoy drive, turn around and reboot, select that ISO, and next thing you know, you're loading it.

So far, I've showed you how to easily load ISO files onto one flash drive so that you have a plethora of utilities or repair disks or installation disks. But I decided to take it a bit further because ultimately, Ventoy is just a flash drive, and flash drive means file storage. So if you get a large enough flash drive, you could not only have all the utilities that you need on this one bootable disk, but there's no reason you can't put your personal files on it too. Let me show you how to do that.

So the process is very simple, actually. What we're going to do is just access the Ventoy drive, right click somewhere in an empty space, and choose "New Folder". And then we have a folder to put our personal files into. Now, you can name this folder whatever you want. I'm just going to call it "Personal".

Now, you can manually back up your personal files if you want to, and I'll put a video on the screen showing you how to do that. But let's automate the process so that you literally don't have to do anything other than create this folder and install it in a simple program. Now, the program I recommend is called FBackup. I've been using this for many, many years and installed it on many clients, and it's just a great free program that just does exactly what it's supposed to do, which is back up your files. I'll put a link to FBackup in the description.

Once you download and install the software, it's super simple. You create a new job and tell it to use the removable device, in this case, your flash drive. And then you can browse to the folder that you want to put these files into. And guess what? We're going to go to the Ventoy drive and point it to that "Personal" folder. And at that point, now every time the drive backs up and you have that Ventoy flash drive plugged in, it's not only going to have all those ISO files on it, but now it's also going to back up all your personal stuff as well. You can go through the individual settings, you can choose which personal files you want to include - documents, pictures, things like that. You can pretty much backup anything you want as long as you have a large enough flash drive.

It's super easy. And now this one Ventoy flash drive serves two purposes - personal files and you also have all these tools available. So you truly need this one disk for everything going forward.

So back to the ISOs for a second. When you go to the page and you click on "Trusted ISOs" up at the top, you'll see a huge list of ISOs that are certified to use for this. So that will help guide you in case you don't know exactly what you want to download. In my opinion, every Ventoy disk needs at least your Windows installer disk, the Hiren's or MediCat, and also maybe a copy of Linux, just in case. But at least with those, you should have everything you need to repair your computer.

So what'd you think of Ventoy? Personally, I'm impressed, and that's hard to do because I've been doing this a long time and not a whole lot impresses me.

So a couple things I want to point out to you. First of all, if you have any problems with any of this, there are tons of resources available, but feel free to leave me a comment and let me help you out.

Secondly, when it comes to how big of a flash drive you need, that really depends on two things. How many ISOs do you plan on putting on the drive? And also, if you choose the personal file backup option, how much stuff do you have? So I did make a video a while back, I'll link to it at the top, so you can figure out exactly how much stuff you have. And then that will help guide the size of the flash drive that you need.

Now, personally, for most people, something like this, a PNY 128 gigabyte, should be more than enough. I think I got this for under ten dollars and delivered next day by Amazon. I'll put a link for the drives that I recommend for all different sizes, and you can choose the one that works for you. Pop it in, start the video, next thing you know, you've got all the utilities you'll ever need plus a built-in fast personal backup. What's better than that?

Friday, April 26, 2024

Peripheral Nerve Disorder Care | UC San Diego Health

Peripheral Nerve Disorder Care | UC San Diego Health

If a peripheral nerve condition is affecting your quality of life, turn to UC San Diego Health.

We are a regional leader in care for nerve pain, nerve compression injuries, nerve trauma, and other disorders of the peripheral nerves.

What are Peripheral Nerves?

Peripheral nerves are an integral part of the human nervous system. The nervous system consists of:

  • Central nervous system (brain and spinal cord)
  • Peripheral nervous system

Peripheral nerves reside outside your brain and spinal cord. They relay information between your brain and the rest of your body.

The peripheral nervous system is divided into two main parts:

  • Autonomic nervous system (ANS): Controls involuntary bodily functions and regulates glands
  • Somatic nervous system (SNS): Controls muscle movement and relays information from ears, eyes and skin to the central nervous system

Nerves in the Peripheral Nervous System

  • Brachial plexus (radial nerve, median nerve, ulnar nerves)
  • Peroneal nerve (foot drop)
  • Femoral nerve
  • Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
  • Sciatic nerve
  • Spinal accessory nerve
  • Tibial nerve

Nerve Pain and Injury Specialists

Our specialists are able to quickly diagnose and treat nerve-related functional impairments and nerve tumors using leading-edge surgical techniques.

Conditions We Treat

Nerve Sheath Tumors

The nerve sheath is the tissue that covers and protects the nerves. Nerve sheath tumors grow directly from the nerve itself. They usually develop randomly but occasionally can be caused by a health condition or syndrome, such as neurofibromatosis (type 1 and type 2).

Nerve tumors are one of the following:

  • Benign peripheral nerve sheath tumor (e.g., neurofibromas, schwannomas)
  • Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (sarcoma)

Neurofibromas and schwannomas are non-cancerous and are the most common type of nerve tumor.

Also See Acoustic Neuroma

Peripheral nerve tumors usually grow slowly and may be noticed as a lump somewhere in the body. They can interfere with normal activities, causing discomfort, tingling or even numbness, weakness and severe pain.

Patients often consider removing these tumors when they become problematic. Removal can usually be performed without destroying the nerve. The tumor usually can be resected out of the nerve itself without harming the nerve's function.

Cancerous Nerve Tumors

Peripheral nerve sheath tumors are rarely malignant (cancerous).

Cancerous peripheral nerve tumors are more problematic, painful and grow rapidly. If there is any question about whether or not a tumor is cancerous, it is important to get a needle biopsy or special study done to be sure.

If the tumor is believed to be cancerous, surgery is performed to remove all of the tumor, including a large portion of the nerve from which the tumor came. Nerve function, which may be lost with the removal of the tumor, can later be improved with the use of nerve transfers.

Brain Tumor Diagnosis and Treatment

Nerve Pain

We treat nerve pain such as meralgia paresthetica, occipital neuralgia, inguinal neuralgia and neuromas.

Nerve Compression

Surgical treatment to decompress the nerve may be considered for entrapment neuropathies such as carpal tunnel, thoracic outlet syndrome and peroneal neuropathy.  

Nerve Injuries

Trauma and sometimes even other surgical procedures can result in paralysis and disability in particular nerves. Our peripheral nerve experts can treat these nerve injuries (including brachial plexus and facial nerve injuries) and restore function.

Personalized Care Plan

We get to know patients so we can work with you to develop a customized plan that meets your goals and improves your quality of daily living. This can include non-surgical treatments as well as surgery.

Nonsurgical Treatment for Peripheral Nerve Disorders

  • Acupuncture
  • Medication for neuropathy and pain management
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation
  • Orthotics
  • Injections and stimulators

Surgical Treatment for Peripheral Nerve Disorders

Tumors, Cancer and Inflammatory Conditions

  • Open and minimally invasive nerve tumor surgery (schwannoma, neurofibroma, malignant nerve tumors)
  • Robotic-assisted nerve tumor surgery for thoracic, abdominal and pelvic nerve tumors
  • Nerve biopsy for neuromuscular disease or metastatic cancer to nerves

Nerve Injury

  • Nerve transfer surgery for improved function
  • Nerve decompression, repair and nerve grafting to repair the injury directly
  • Nerve surgery for spasticity with brain or spinal cord injury
  • Phrenic nerve stimulation for diaphragm paralysis 

Peripheral Nerve Pain or Weakness

  • Nerve decompression surgery (such as carpal tunnel, ulnar nerve, peroneal nerve, tarsal tunnel, thoracic outlet, etc.)
  • Nerve removal surgery (neurectomy) for pain (such as meralgia paresthetica)
  • Regenerative peripheral nerve interface or targeted muscle reinnervation for neuroma treatment

Meet Our Specialists

  • Image of Katharine Hinchcliff, MD

    Katharine Hinchcliff, MD

    • Plastic Surgeon
    • Assistant Professor of Surgery

    View More

  • Image of Nikhil K. Murthy, MD, MS, MBA

    Nikhil K. Murthy, MD, MS, MBA

    • Neurosurgeon
    • Assistant Professor of Neurological Surgery

    View More


Friday, April 19, 2024

Executive Rewards  | Costco

Executive Rewards  | Costco

Upgrade to an Executive Membership and receive an annual 2% Reward. The Executive Membership upgrade fee is an additional $60 a year for Business or Gold Star Members (plus sales tax where applicable). We will prorate the upgrade amount based on the months remaining in your current membership. Purchases made prior to upgrading are not eligible for the 2% Reward. At your next renewal, you will be billed a total of $120 for your Executive Membership. To upgrade, visit the membership counter at any Costco warehouse.

*Executive Membership 2% Reward

Costco Executive Members receive a 2% Reward on qualified purchases (see calculation of 2% Reward below). Reward is capped at and will not exceed $1,000 for any 12-month period. Only purchases made by the Primary and active Primary Household Cardholder on the account will apply toward the Reward. The Reward is not guaranteed to be equal to or greater than the Executive upgrade fee paid. Limit one membership per household and business. Costco reserves the right to treat businesses with the same or similar addresses or with identical, similar or related ownership as a single business and as such, limited to a single membership. Costco reserves the right to refuse, decline, or cancel a membership at any time. Purchases made prior to upgrade do not qualify for the 2% Reward. If, at any time, the Primary Household Cardholder is removed from the account, their purchases will not apply toward the Reward.

The 2% Reward is issued approximately three months prior to the member’s renewal date, in the Renewal Statement, and reflects the Reward earned up until the issue date. A member must be a current, paid Executive Member at the end of the membership year to be entitled to the Reward. To receive a refund for the current Executive upgrade fee, the membership must be canceled or downgraded to a Gold Star or Business Membership. Any 2% Reward issued or accrued will be subtracted from the refund and forfeited to the extent it exceeds the amount of any refund. Any additional savings and services exclusively for Executive Members will be discontinued.

Calculation of 2% Reward

Reward is approximately 2% of pre-tax purchases (less refunds) of most merchandise purchased through: front-end registers, most ancillary business registers at Costco warehouses and Costco websites in the U.S. and Canada by U.S. and Canadian residents and qualifying purchases made directly from Costco Travel once travel is completed. In the U.S., Rewards are not calculated: 

  1. (i) on purchases of cigarettes or tobacco-related products, gasoline, Costco Shop Cards, postage stamps, alcoholic beverages in certain states
    (including Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Vermont),
    prescription purchases in certain states (including Arkansas, New Jersey, and New York), and
    at food courts
  2. (ii) on membership fees; 
  3. (iii) on purchases not recorded through Costco's front-end registers and transactions done on or through websites not hosted by Costco even if accessed through, including all business, consumer, and insurance services, the Online Photo Center, and the My Publisher website; 
  4. (iv) on miscellaneous fees, deposits and taxes, including sales tax and shipping; 
  5. (v) where prohibited by law or regulation; 
  6. (vi) on purchases made by anyone other than the account's Primary or Primary Household Cardholder; 
  7. (vii) as to travel purchases: surcharges, gratuities, trip protection, travel purchased through a third party, upgrades, rental car equipment, resort charges and port charges; and 
  8. (viii) on certain other categories as determined at Costco's discretion, which may change without notice.

Using The 2% Reward Certificate

The Reward certificate is mailed with the Executive Member's annual renewal notice and mailed to the Primary Member. Rewards totaling less than $1 will not be sent. The Reward may be redeemed toward purchases of most merchandise through the front-end registers (not currently available at self-checkout) at Costco warehouses in the U.S. Reward certificates may not be used: 

  1. (i) toward purchases that are not recorded through Costco's front-end registers, such as purchases at gas stations, Food Courts, and online at; 
  2. (ii) as payment on credit card accounts; 
  3. (iii) on purchases of services, such as travel and auto; 
  4. (iv) where prohibited by law or regulation; or 
  5. (v) on certain other categories as determined at Costco's discretion, which may change without notice. 

Reward certificates may not be redeemed for cash. Reward certificates will not be replaced if lost or stolen. Regulatory restrictions on Rewards subject to change at any time.

Canadian program rules are available at Canadian warehouses. Costco reserves the right in its discretion and without prior notice to discontinue or change the 2% Reward program at any time, or to disqualify or cancel members' participation.

Updated January 20, 2023.

What is an Executive Membership?

It pays to be a Costco Executive Member:

Executive Members earn an annual 2% Reward on qualifying purchases at Costco,, and Costco Travel. Plus, additional benefits are available on our suite of Costco Services. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee and will cancel and refund membership fees at any time if a member is dissatisfied.

Additional values are available to Executive Members such as lower prices on check printing, auto buying, roadside assistance included at no charge for vehicles covered through the Auto Insurance program and additional travel benefits. View our full list of Costco Services. Executive Members also receive a monthly edition of The Costco Connection magazine.

Costco membership is $60 a year. An Executive Membership is an additional $60 upgrade fee a year. Each includes a free Household Card. Please include sales tax in all applicable states. (Business Members also pay an additional $60 for each additional cardholder - purchases made by the additional cardholders do not contribute towards the 2% Reward.) Members who upgrade for a partial year will be charged a prorated upgrade fee.

The Primary Member or Account Manager of an existing membership may upgrade to the Executive membership one of the following ways:

When to expect a 2% Reward Certificate:

The 2% Reward Certificate is mailed with the renewal notice approximately two months prior to the member’s annual renewal date. A member must be a paid Executive Member at the time the Reward is issued to receive the certificate. Members who reverse their Executive status will lose all rewards accumulated. Rewards are not prorated.

Eligible purchases:

Only purchases made by the Primary and active Primary Household Cardholder on the account will apply toward the Reward. Most U.S. warehouse purchases apply to the 2% Reward. Please see below for a list of ineligible purchases. Eligible purchases made in Canada, Puerto Rico or on also contribute to the annual 2% Reward. For eligible Costco Travel purchases, Executive Members will earn a 2% Reward after travel is completed (must be an Executive Member when travel starts).

In most cases, pharmacy and over the counter (OTC) purchases apply to the 2% Reward. Only the amount not covered by insurance (co-pay) is calculated as part of the 2% Reward.

Refunds of eligible purchases will be deducted from the 2% Reward.

Ineligible purchases:

Purchases made in Australia, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Spain, Taiwan, Iceland, China, France and the U.K. will not be applied to the 2% Reward.

The following purchases do not apply to the 2% Reward:

  • Alcohol in AL, AZ, AR, CA, CT, GA, HI, KS, KY, MA, MI, MN, MS, NH, NC, ND, OH, OK, RI, SD, TN, TX, UT, and VT
  • Auto Purchasing
  • Battery Fees
  • Bottle Deposit
  • Costco Shop Cards/Gift of Membership
  • Children’s Miracle Network Hospital Balloons and other charitable giving
  • Shipping Fees
  • Costco Services
  • Food Court
  • Gasoline
  • Home Delivery Services (Delivery Charges, Installation)
  • Membership Fees
  • Misc. Taxes & Fees
  • Oil Disposal Fees
  • Optical Exams
  • Stamps
  • Tire Balance & Installation Fees
  • Tire Disposal Fees
  • Tobacco
  • Websites not hosted by including online Costco Photo Center
  • 3rd Party Insurance Payments
  • Prescription drug purchases in certain states (including Arkansas, New Jersey, and New York)