Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Unmanned Australian Heron spy planes to remain in Afghanistan

Unmanned Australian Heron spy planes to remain in Afghanistan |

UNMANNED Australian spy planes will continue to target Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan until at least July next year. 
Federal Government has agreed to a request from NATO'S International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) to keep the 40-person RAAF led Heron unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) detachment at Kandahar airfield in southern Afghanistan.

Rotation 4 (Roto 4) of Australia’s Heron Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Detachment in Kandahar, Afghanistan, has achieved a new unit monthly flying record of 475 hours this April. Dubbed ‘Bluey’ by the Australian team, the Heron UAV is capable of providing medium altitude reconnaissance, surveillance and mission support. Heron Roto 4 currently operates 3 airframes forming part of a larger International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) UAV capability providing aerial surveillance and support to ISAF ground forces throughout Afghanistan. 28 Australian Defence Force personnel drawn from the Air Force, Navy and Army currently make up the Heron team operating from Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan. The tri-service unit has logged more than 4600 total flight hours since Australian Heron operations began in Afghanistan in January 2010.

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