Friday, February 21, 2014

MUOS satellite demonstrates polar communications capability

Mobile User Objective System
MUOS is the next generation narrowband military satellite communication system that supports a worldwide, multi-Service population of users in the ultra-high frequency band. The system provides increased communications capabilities to newer, smaller terminals while still supporting interoperability with legacy terminals. MUOS is designed to support users that require greater mobility, higher data rates and improved operational availability.

Lockheed Martin MUOS satellite tests show extensive reach in polar communications capability | 2014-02-04 | Microwave Journal

Lockheed Martin recently demonstrated that the U.S. Navy’s Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) satellites may help solve communication challenges in the arctic. Now people spread over thousands of square miles could have access to more secure, reliable communications. During company-funded tests, MUOS voice and data signals reached much farther north than previously thought, just 30 miles and 0.5 degrees of latitude shy of the North Pole.

A team demonstrated Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) capability using three different radios as far north as 89.5 degrees, under peak orbit conditions. This inherent voice and data access is well beyond the 65-degree system requirement.

Published on Jan 31, 2014
Activity in the arctic is growing as the polar sheet cap recedes. More people, shipping, exploration and search and rescue expose the need for secure communications to protect the region. However, getting satellite communications signal is extremely difficult. But not anymore. Watch how Lockheed Martin's engineers and partners confirmed untapped capability through the U.S. Navy's MUOS constellation.

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