Sunday, August 31, 2014

FAA Grounds USF Plan To Educate Students With UAV's

FAA Grounds University Plan To Educate Students With Drones
Denying an educational institution the right to teach students how to safely operate an increasingly popular consumer device is a mind bogglingly absurd (yet unsurprising) FAA decision.   The decision highlights just how poorly the FAA has handled the integration of drones into the national airspace.  As thousands of consumers and hobbyists purchase drones (which may be lawfully operated for hobbyist purposes) many of these new operators fly without any training or education.  In the midst of this increase in operations, the FAA is enforcing draconian rules that make safety and training courses unlawful — merely because they charge a fee.
Thus, while the FAA claims that safety is their mandate, they have prohibited educational institutions and other individuals from training people on how to fly safely — unless those people want to do so for free or with unrealistic workarounds like tethers.  Does this make any sense?

LIBRARY DRONE PLAN HITS TURBULENCE | Article - Fri 29 Aug 2014 06:11:06 AM UTC |, reach for the sky.
Library officials had expected USF to be eligible for a Certificate of Waiver or Authorizations (COA) to do research using their Phantom I and Phantom II drones, but last month General Counsel for the FAA issued a legal interpretation that education is not a government function under COA guidelines.
“If the FAA now were to read a concept as broad as education into the statute, it could exponentially expand the operation of unregulated aircraft,” FAA Assistant Chief Counselor Mark Bury said in a memo dated July 3.

USF Oracle
Library drone plan hits turbulence | The Oracle
What should have been a smooth takeoff for the Library’s drone lending program this week has been grounded indefinitely due to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) guidelines. 
Library officials had expected USF to be eligible for a Certificate of Waiver or Authorizations (COA) to do research using their Phantom I and Phantom II drones, but last month General Counsel for the FAA issued a legal interpretation that education is not a government function under COA guidelines. 
Higher learning: Library to lend out drones | The Oracle

USF library to offer more than just books. Cue the drones! | USA TODAY College

UCLASS RFP Endgame moves to fall ISR Budget Review

I hope the competitors aren't holding their breaths. Lack of a clear and firm requirements base and realistic budget typically sets up a program for failure.
US Navy’s X-47B Ends Trials aboard TR >> Naval Today

US Navy delays start of bidding for unmanned carrier-based drone

UCLASS RFP Delayed Again Following Pentagon Meeting - USNI News
The final request for proposal (RFP) for the Navy’s planned carrier-based unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) has been delayed pending a review of the service’s information, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) portfolio as part of the service’s budget process this fall, Navy officials told USNI News on Friday afternoon.

US Navy poised for UCLASS bidding after unmanned demo - 8/20/2014 - Flight Global
The unmanned carrier launched airborne surveillance and strike (UCLASS) programme will solicit bids from Boeing, General Atomics Aeronautics Systems, Lockheed Martin and Northrop, with the goal of developing a carrier-based, tailless, unmanned aircraft that can evade radar, collect intelligence and launch weapons.

The Defense Acquisition Board – a panel of senior US military and civilian leaders – has a meeting scheduled on 10 September, Winter says. Their authorization will allow NAVAIR to release the request for proposals, with bids due in 60 days, he says.

As one of the few new weapons acquisition programmes available for bidding, UCLASS has received great attention from inside and outside the military. As an all-new capability with no manned equivalent in operation today, UCLASS also has invited controversy, with industry officials, the intelligence community, naval aviators and Congress expressing a diverse range of opinions over how such a system should be operated.
RFP for Navy’s UCLASS Drone Waiting on Final Approval - Blog
Industry will have a finalized request for proposals for the Navy’s first operational carrier-launched drone by early September, its program officer said Aug. 17.

The final RFP for the unmanned carrier launched airborne surveillance and strike, or UCLASS, will be released only to the four companies competing for the contract: Boeing, Lockheed Martin, General Atomics and Northrop Grumman. 

“We have had continuous dialogue with our industry partners, and they have provided us feedback, corrections,” said Rear Adm. Mat Winter, program executive officer for unmanned aviation and strike weapons.
Could UCLASS end up as the Pentagon's next runaway program? - Washington Business Journal

 ... much still remains uncertain — including whether the UCLASS will be primarily a surveillance aircraft, as is the case for most military drones in the Pentagon's fleet now, or a bomber, snagging some functionality from other aircraft, including the existing B-2 as well as the replacement program getting off the ground. Breaking Defense did a thorough writeup on the Navy’s perspective on requirements and outside commentary on what’s realistic and practical.

But some question whether clarity will even come with the RFP, or whether the solicitation will keep specifics intentionally vague, allowing for the Navy to adjust as it goes along. If it's the latter, then both the Navy and the contractors alike will be embarking on a program that could suffer the kind of challenges that were faced by debunked programs like the original presidential helicopter and even the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter— budget overruns and schedule delays spurred largely by failure to establish a firm plan from the beginning.

Unmanned Aerial Systems at a Crossroads - Blog

The delay is significant and underscores issues around the evolution of unmanned flight that have major implications for the aerospace and defense industry. UCLASS is notable for its budget alone, projected at $1 billion over the next two years. But more importantly, it is the last major new start, fully open U.S. military unmanned aerial system competition planned for the foreseeable future. The program’s much debated requirements are a reflection of how far the Navy is willing to push the service’s acceptance of unmanned capabilities, especially if it comes at the expense of legacy priorities around manned aviation.

Unmanned aircraft are at an evolutionary crossroads embodied by this troubled competition. The fundamental questions faced by UCLASS decision makers ring true for more than just the program alone. Will the next unmanned platforms represent incremental developments that primarily draw upon the demonstrated, capable technology of the past decade? Or is the United States on the precipice of an airpower revolution? This revolution would be brought about by investment in advanced but less battlefield tested technology that provides more of the capabilities that increasingly encroach upon the well defended turf of manned aircraft.


spendergast: Forces converge for imminent UCLASS final RFP&decision
spendergast: UCLASS stumbles again - Navy wants baby steps - Congress great leap forward

Saturday, August 30, 2014

GA-ASI Lynx Radar supports U.S. Navy SPS-JHSV 14 mission

2 Units of Ku Band Lynx Multi Mode SAR/GMTI Radar
include Gimbal Antenna and Radar Electronics

GA-ASI Radar Shines During U.S. Navy Spearhead IIA Exercise
Lynx Multi-Mode Radar Detects Small, High-Interest Maritime Targets
SAN DIEGO 28 August 2014 General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI), a leading manufacturer of remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) systems, radars, and electro-optical and related mission systems solutions, today announced that its Lynx® Multi-mode Radar successfully demonstrated the ability to support maritime operations in a littoral environment during the recent U.S. Navy Exercise Spearhead IIA held off the coast of Key West, Fla., in June.
King Air 350 configured with Lynx Radar Pod

Integrated aboard a Predator® B/MQ-9 Reaper surrogate (King Air 350), Lynx's Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Maritime Wide-Area Search (MWAS) modes detected mine-like-objects and very small vessels, including fast boats, sailboats, and fishing boats.

Concurrently, the King Air 350 data linked the Lynx and video data via the onboard L-3 Mini-T TCDL data link system to the Navy's Intelligence Carry-On Program (ICOP) data link system installed on the JHSV (Joint High Speed Vessel), with the ICOP system employing L-3's VideoScout®-CM2 video exploitation and management system.

GA-ASI Lynx Maritime Radar Performs Well in US Navy Exercises | UAS VISION
Lynx radar’s maritime wide area search mode performs anti-piracy operations during Navy test - Military Embedded Systems
SAN DIEGO – 22 August 2012 – The Maritime Wide Area Search (MWAS) mode of the Lynx multi-mode radar from General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA ASI) was demonstrated during the U.S. Navy’s Experiment Trident Warrior 2012 (TW12) that took place off the coast of Southern California.

USNS Spearhead (JHSV 1) Begins
Southern Partnership Station 2014

Plans Finalized for USNS Spearhead's Deployment to 4th Fleet AOR
NAVAL STATION MAYPORT, Fla. (NNS) -- Service members and civilians involved in the scheduled deployment of the joint high speed vessel USNS Spearhead (JHSV 1) this summer to the U.S. Southern Command and U.S. 4th Fleet area of operations met March 25 and March 26 here to finalize plans for the mission.

The Spearhead is a 338-foot-long catamaran with a top speed of 43 knots and an average speed of 35 knots.

With airline-style seating for 312 troops, a mission bay area of 20,000 square feet and a helicopter deck, it can be used in each of the 4th Fleet lines of operation: security cooperation activities, maritime security and contingency operations, including humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.

During its 4 1/2 months in the joint area of operations, it will visit Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and Colombia. It also will participate in counterdrug operations and conduct experiments on behalf of the Naval Warfare Development Command.

The mission, known as Southern Partnership Station-Joint High Speed Vessel 2014, will build on the experiences USNS Swift (HSV-2), another catamaran, which participated in Southern Partnership Station 2013 and completed testing of an unmanned blimp and unmanned aerial vehicle last year.

"The SPS-JHSV 14 mission is set to be an exciting deployment," said Ken Miller, U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command's lead planner for the mission. "The final planning conference is a key milestone in the operations planning cycle and helps to blend the detailed planning being done by all stakeholders."

KEY WEST, Fla. (April 24, 2013) The Military Sealift Command
high-speed vessel Swift (HSV 2) with a tethered TIF-25K aerostat
gets underway from Key West to conduct a series of at-sea
capabilities tests to determine if the aerostat can support future
Operation Martillo counter transnational organized crime
operations in the U.S. 4th fleet area of responsibility.
(U.S. Navy photo by Lt. Cmdr. Corey Barker/Released)

NASSCO to dry dock USS Pearl Harbor Contracts for Friday, August 29, 2014

General Dynamics National Steel and Shipbuilding Co., San Diego, California, is being awarded a $139,953,434 modification to previously awarded cost-plus-award-fee contract N00024-08-C-4410 for USS Pearl Harbor (LSD 52) fiscal 2014 extended dry-dock phased maintenance availability. An extended dry-dock phased maintenance availability includes the planning and execution of depot-level maintenance, alterations, and modifications that will update and improve the ship's military and technical capabilities. Work will be performed in San Diego, California, and is expected to be completed by August 2015. Fiscal 2014 operations and maintenance (Navy) and fiscal 2014 other procurement (Navy) funding in the amount of $139,953,434 will be obligated at the time of award. Contract funds in the amount of $106,492,103 will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Southwest Regional Maintenance Center, San Diego, California, is the contracting activity.

Google's Self-Driving Car trains on Mountain View Streets

6 Simple Things Google's Self-Driving Car Still Can't Handle

California DMV says Google’s autonomous car tests need a steering wheel | Ars Technica
The new law means Google's self-designed car will need to have a steering wheel and gas and brake pedals while it is still under development. According to The Wall Street Journal, Google will comply with the law by building a "small, temporary steering wheel and pedal system that drivers can use during testing" into the prototype cars. The report says California officials are working on rules for cars without a steering wheel and pedals, but for now, a human control system is mandatory.

Google’s Self-Driving Cars Still Face Many Obstacles | MIT Technology Review
MIT Technology Review took a closer look at the driving challenges Google's driverless cars still can't tackle. Most of them are so ubiquitous, so mundane, it's almost funny. It's also a reminder: It'll be quite some time before humanity is permanently relegated to the shotgun seat.
  1. Weather - no snow
  2. Potholes - unmarked by cones
  3. Roads not sufficiently Googled
  4. Construction
  5. Pesky Humans - ignores traffic cops.
  6. don't really help traffic

Friday, August 29, 2014

Raising Awareness in Prostate Cancer

Raising Awareness in Prostate Cancer | San Diego 6 | Health & Beauty
The less you know, the harder the decisions about treatment … | THE "NEW" PROSTATE CANCER INFOLINK

 September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

 Dr. William K. Oh on recognizing symptoms of the second leading cause of death among american men. As the month of September brings prostate cancer into focus, it’s time to increase public understanding of the disease, including its prevalence, approaches to screening and prevention, treatment options, and resources that offer updated prostate cancer information throughout the year. Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men and is a leading cause of cancer death in men, second only to lung cancer. According to American Cancer Society, there will be an estimated 192,280 new cases of prostate cancer and an estimated 27,360 deaths in the United States during 2009.[1] Staying informed with the latest news on prevention and screening is an important step in reducing your risk of developing prostate cancer. And, should a diagnosis occur, access to current, in-depth treatment information can help you find the best care.

The books below have been found useful for gaining a handle on Prostate Cancer:

Monday, August 25, 2014

Juliet's Ghost competes with LCS

Could Super Ghost become the future Littoral Combatant? | Defense Update:
Juliet Marine Systems a small company from Portsmouth, N.H., has developed a unique high-speed watercraft called Ghost that could take on missions close to shores, where larger vessels, such as the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) would normally be too vulnerable to operate – company officials say. While initially the Ghost design was offered for fast patrol, special operations and force protection missions, Juliet Marine is now promoting a scaled-up corvette version ‘super Ghost’ for the US Navy re-evaluation of the Littoral Combat Ship force structure.
GHOST – Missing Vessel in the Navy? >> Naval Today

 Ghost Super Cavitating Vessel - YouTube

Published on Aug 24, 2014
Defense-Update | GHOST is a combination aircraft/boat that has been designed to fly through an artificial underwater gaseous environment that creates 900 times less hull friction than water. GHOST technology adapts to manned or unmanned, surface or submerged applications.
Super Cavitation and the Truth | Defense Tech
Supercavitation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
supercavitating submarine, world speed record | Aerospace Systems

This Incredible Wave-Cutting Stealth Ship Could Be The Future Of Naval Warfare | Business Insider India
Juliet Marine Systems' Ghost exhibits a combination of "stealth fighter aircraft and attack helicopter technologies," and is designed to combat naval swarm attacks of fast enemy boats, waterborne improvised explosives, and piracy.

As its name suggests, Ghost is intended to have zero radar signature, and the vessel is supposedly difficult for the enemy to spot, let alone target. The ship is nonmagnetic and hard to detect via sonar, making it ideal for infiltration and surveillance of enemy areas.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

LMCO MS&T Contract for up to $420M for Aegis Weapon System ACB12 Contracts for Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Lockheed Martin Corp., Mission Systems and Training, Moorestown, New Jersey, is being awarded a $60,802,243 fixed-price-incentive, firm-fixed-price, cost-plus-fixed-fee, and cost-only contract for  
 ship integration and test of the Aegis Weapon System (AWS) for AWS Baselines through Advanced Capability Build 12
The contract provides for 
  • Aegis shipboard integration engineering, 
  • Aegis test team support, 
  • Aegis modernization team engineering support, 
  • ballistic missile defense test team support, and 
  • AWS element assessments. 
This contract includes options which, if exercised, would bring the cumulative value of this contract to $420,379,808. 

Work will be performed in 
  • Moorestown, New Jersey (27 percent); 
  • Norfolk, Virginia (22.5 percent); 
  • San Diego, California (20 percent); 
  • Pascagoula, Mississippi (6.5 percent); 
  • Bath, Maine (6.5 percent); 
  • Mayport, Florida (6.5 percent); 
  • Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (5.5 percent); 
  • Everett, Washington (4 percent); 
  • Syracuse, New York (1 percent), and 
  • other locations totaling less than 1 percent (0.5),

 and is expected to be completed by November 2018. Fiscal 2011 and 2013 shipbuilding conversion (Navy); fiscal 2014 operations and maintenance (Navy); and fiscal 2012 and 2014 other procurement (Navy) funding, in the amount of $21,839,327 will be obligated at time of award. 

Contract funds in the amount of $6,485,936 will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. This contract was not competitively procured in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1) - only one or limited number of sources and no other suppliers will satisfy the requirements. The Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity (N00024-14-C-5104).

Sustaining Today’s Force Structure and Building the Future Force - BILL BRAY.pdf

The US Navy -- Fact File: Aegis Weapon System
The Navy has decided to restart construction of new DDG 51s. The new Aegis destroyer will utilize software componentized to enable reuse and networked-based COTS computing system infrastructures during installation, modifications, and future upgrades. The restarted Aegis destroyers (DDG Restart) will incorporate the same new technologies, as an Aegis Modernized Destroyer such as:
  • the Multi- Mission Signal Processor (MMSP), 
  • the Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program (SEWIP), 
  • Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) 5.0, and 
  • the AN/SQQ-89(V) Anti-Submarine Warfare/Undersea Warfare Combat System (ASWCS/USWCS). 
In addition to this DDG restart effort, the Navy is currently making plans for a follow-on version of the DDG 51 class that will be called DDG Flight III.

In an effort incorporate advances in technology into in-service ships, and to keep pace with emerging threat, the Aegis Modernization (AMOD) program was introduced. AMOD produces system upgrades via the Advanced Capability Build (ACB) process for CG and DDG Modernization, DDG Restart, and DDG FLT III.
The current Advanced Capability Build, ACB-12, has transitioned to Aegis Baseline 9 (BL 9) and brings increased warfighting capability with regard to
  • Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD), 
  • Naval Integrated Fire Control-Counter Air (NIFC-CA), 
  • the SM-6 missile, 
  • the Evolved SeaSparrow Missile (ESSM), 
  • Close-in Weapon System (CIWS) BLK 1B, and 
  • MMSP. 
B/L 9 initiated a Common Source Library (CSL) program for Aegis and brought in the first third-party developed software element, Track Manager/ Track Server, as well as the competitively awarded Common Display System (CDS) and Common Processor System (CPS). The CSL enables software reuse and commonality across all modernized and new construction Aegis Combat System configurations. Specifically, the Aegis CSL allows for the use of common tactical software across four different Aegis configurations, including
  • Air Defense Cruisers, 
  • IAMD Destroyers with integrated Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) capability, 
  • New Construction Integrated Air and Missile Defense Destroyers, and 
  • Aegis Ashore (AA) with integrated BMD capability.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

NASA’s future Aerosol/Cloud/Ecosystems (ACE) Mission

A three-dimensional, detailed structure of Hurricane Sandy
by the TRMM Precipitation Radar (PR) on
Oct. 28, 2012 at 1725 UTC (1:25
PM EDT). Source: NASA.
Candidate antenna architecture for ACE radar.
Source: NASA.
previously: Three radars are better than one for Rainfall Measurement

New Radar Technologies for the Aerosol/Cloud/Ecosystems Mission | Earthzine

NASA’s future Aerosol/Cloud/Ecosystems (ACE) Mission will address fundamental science questions concerning the role of aerosols on cloud development and ecosystems. Recommended by the National Research Council’s (NRC) Earth Science Decadal Survey,
ACE targets a broad class of hydrometeor types. The mission’s instruments will measure cloud droplets, ice crystals, rain and snow, which are subject to change in the presence of aerosols. These changes also impact the Earth’s ecosystems and the ocean’s storage of carbon dioxide. The ACE measurements aim to improve the understanding of aerosol, cloud and ecosystem interactions. Also, ACE measurements will have spin-off benefits, including aiding in air-quality forecasting.

ESTO :: ROSES2010 IIP (A.26) Selections

Title Antenna Technologies for 3D Imaging, Wide Swath Radar Supporting ACE
Full Name Paul Racette
Institution Name NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
The Earth Science Decadal Survey calls for an Aerosol, Cloud and Ecosystems (ACE) mission for measurements to provide a better understanding of the role of aerosols on cloud development. The ACE Science Working Group recommends a dual-frequency radar comprised of
  • a fixed beam 94 GHz (W-band) radar and 
  • a wide-swath 35 GHz (Ka-band) imaging radar. 
Our objective is to provide a direct path to a common aperture dual-frequency radar with wide-swath (>100 km) imaging at Ka-band.

The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and Northrop Grumman Corporation Electronic Systems (NGES) have developed an innovative approach, minimizing size and weight, with a shared aperture that builds upon ESTO’s investments into large-aperture reflectors and utilizes high-TRL radar architectures. We propose to advance the system technology readiness level of two key antenna system components:
  • a) a  novel dual-band reflector/reflectarray and 
  • b) a Ka-band Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) feed module. 
The benefits are 100 km Ka swath imaging and significant reductions in ACE space payload size, weight, and cost.

Our proposed work and methodology entails a dual-frequency antenna comprised of a primary cylindrical reflector/reflectarray surface illuminated by a fixed W-band feed (compatible with a quasi-optical beam waveguide feed, such as that employed on CloudSat) and a Ka-band AESA line feed. The highly innovative reflectarray surface provides beam focusing at W-band, but is  transparent at Ka-band.

Over a three-year period of performance, we propose to design, build,environmentally test, and demonstrate a scale model of the dual-frequency antenna, culminating in a suborbital test flight demonstration using the GSFC Cloud Radar System and raising the reflector/reflectarray TRL from 3 to 6. Finally, we plan to advance the AESA feed design towards a space demonstration via development and testing of key GaN MMIC components,raising that TRL from 3 to 4+.

NASA's other ACE: Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) Home Page

The Earth is constantly bombarded with high speed particles coming not only from the sun, but also from outside of the solar system. Studying these energetic particles can help us understand the origin and evolution of our solar system. The Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft carries nine instruments that can collect and measure these particles 10 to 1000 times better than previous spacecraft. From ACE, Scientists on Earth will receive information about the solar wind such its velocity, temperature, and composition.

ACE will orbit the sun very near the Earth (approximately 1/100 of the distance from the Earth to the sun). From here it will be able to determine which particles hit the Earth. This information will help scientists to better understand phenomena such as solar flares. Ace will also be able to warn us of encroaching geomagnetic storms that disrupt communications and are hazardous to astronauts.

CNO Navigation Plan 2015-2019

CNO Navigation Plan


SEAPOWER CNO’s Navigation Plan Steers Steady Course Between Readiness and Modernization
In the “CNO’s Navigation Plan 2015-2019,” ADM Jonathan Greenert acknowledged that the fiscal climate “compelled the Navy to make tough choices. … Our Navy will do its part to ‘put our fiscal house in order,’ but we will do so in a responsible way. Despite likely sequestration in [fiscal] 2016, our priority is to operate forward where it matters, when it matters, and be ready to address a wide range of threats and contingencies.”
Strategic deterrence retains is place as the top priority, with sustaining a credible, survivable and modern sea-based deterrent with the 14 Ohio-class ballistic-missile submarines (SSBNs) and the Trident D5 ballistic missile, plus developing the Ohio Replacement SSBN, which will make its first patrol in 2031. Sustaining the U.S. advantage in undersea warfare will be aided by the delivery of nine Virginia-class attack submarines and building up to approximately 80 P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft by 2019.
CNO Greenert releases the Navy's "Navigation Plan" for 2015-2019
Planning to navigate without considering how much money or fuel you have is planning to get lost in the middle of nowhere. 
  • Ohio Replacement program. Begin construction in 2021, deliver first unit to Navy in 2028, enter service in 2031. Maintain 14 SSBN's. They may be able to do this.
  • Take delivery of the twelfth Virginia class attack submarine in 2015, with eight more by 2019. Additionally, take delivery of 8 P-8A Poseidon's in 2015, with a total of 80 by the end of 2019. I can tell you for sure that THIS ain't happening, not with sequestration still in place.
  • Take delivery of four new LCS's in 2015.
  • Engage in "phased modernization" of our Cruisers, i.e. lay them up in mothballs for a while because we can't afford the upgrades right now. The report itself all but admits this.
  • Increase the forward presence of the Navy from 97 ships in 2014 to 120 in 2020. Yeah, SURE. Sure you will. Perhaps in your dreams.
  • Increase Asian presence from 50 to 65 ships and Middle East presence from 30 to 40 ships. Again. Sure you will.
And he mentions plenty of other stuff, some of which might happen, but not near the extent the CNO might wish. The 306 ship Navy is a pipe dream. Carrying out all the stuff in this Navigation Plan is also a pipe dream, unless the Congress truly goes nuts and opens up the purse.

Army gives ImSAR sole source for $99M small UAV radar development

Synthetic Aperture RADAR (nanoSAR) Contracts for Thursday, August 21, 2014

ImSAR LLC,* Springville, Utah, was awarded a $98,971,746 cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for research and development, rapid advancement and integration of small aperture radars on small unmanned aerial systems. Funding and  work location will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of Aug. 20, 2019. One bid was solicited, with one received. Army Contracting Command, Natick, Massachusetts, is the  contracting activity (W911QY-14-D-0007).

NanoSAR C radar unit is the world’s smallest SAR,
weighing less than 2 lbs and consuming less than 25 W
ImSAR, LLC: Overview | LinkedIn

ImSAR's flagship product is the NanoSAR.

US Army Wants a Small Radar, for Small UAVs

In May 2012, ImSAR, L.L.C. in Salem, UT received a $24 million firm-fixed-price and cost-plus-fixed-fee contract to build, test, and assess a lightweight ultra wide band synthetic aperture (ground-looking) radar for use on small unmanned aerial vehicles. Work will be performed in Salem, UT, with an estimated completion date of May 31/17. One bid was solicited, with 1 bid received by U.S. Army Contracting Command in Natick, MA

ImSAR’s NanoSAR radar has already tested on Boeing’s popular ScanEagle UAV, and the company began offering it as an official payload option on Feb 23/10. The US Army doesn’t use ScanEagle UAVs, but they do have options like the RQ-7B Shadow external link that could benefit from a small radar that was light enough to add in addition to the existing surveillance turret. ImSAR can offer them an
improved NanoSAR B external link, or their new Leonardo external link radar that’s well-suited to tasks like convoy overwatch and land-mine detection.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

DOE funds 8 National Labs for ACME project to address climate modeling

Climate and Earth System Modeling
This modeling effort includes validation using "Big Data". A truly objective, exascale earth climate model based on science validated using actual data would seem to be a valuable tool in evaluating public policy making major changes in technology and the economy. Unfortunately the plan appears to make a lot of assumptions and is not oriented to this purpose.

New project is the ACME of addressing climate change
Fourteen institutions will work together to develop the most accurate climate change predictions yet, and investigate key fundamental science questions, such as the interaction of clouds and climate and the role of secondary organic aerosols.
The partners include eight national laboratories —

— along with
the National Center for Atmospheric Research, four academic institutions and one private-sector company. Initial funding for the effort has been provided by DOE’s Office of Science. More information can be found in the Accelerated Climate Modeling For Energy: Project Strategy and Initial Implementation Plan.

The ACME Vision

The Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy Project is an ongoing, state-of-the-science Earth system modeling, simulation, and prediction project that optimizes the use of DOE laboratory resources to meet the science needs of the nation and the mission needs of DOE.

In this context, “laboratory resources” include the people, programs, and facilities, current and future. They collectively represent a unique combination of scientific and engineering expertise as well as
leadership computing and information technologies required to construct, maintain, and advance an Earth system modeling capability that is needed by the country and DOE. A major motivation for the ACME project is the coming paradigm shift in computing architectures and their related programming models as capability moves into the exascale era. DOE, through its science programs and early adoption of new computing architectures, traditionally leads many scientific communities, including climate and Earth system simulation, through these disruptive changes in computing

ACME Council Members

Dr. Renata McCoy of LLNL is the ACME Project Engineer. Dr. McCoy is instituting implementation of a formal project management and tracking system (Jira,, is  currently being evaluated).

SPAWAR awards $196M to DLS and Viasat for CDR of TTNT for MIDS JTRS terminals

Tactical Targeting Network Technology Builds on Unit Strength

TTNT brochure.aspx
TTNT White Paper - TTNTWhitePaper.pdf

previously: Navy’s Next Air War Strategy NIFC-CA depends on TTNT Data Link Advances
previously: SPAWAR awards $117M for MIDS LVT and JTRS terminal to DLS & ViaSat Contracts for Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Data Link Solutions, LLC, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is being awarded a $124,326,550 modification

under a previously awarded multiple award contract (N00039-10-D-0031) increasing the scope authorized to perform all of the necessary design and development work required to bring Tactical Targeting Network Technology (TTNT) capability to the Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS) Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) terminal and to achieve a successful critical design review. MIDS JTRS is a pre-planned product improvement replacement, transforming the MIDS low volume terminal into a four-channel, software- communications architecture-compliant JTRS terminal, while maintaining current Link-16 and tactical air navigation capability.

TTNT will significantly increase operational Link-16 networks’ capacities, improve network performance, and provide more capable and flexible Link-16 network designs for the warfighter.

Work will be performed in Wayne, New Jersey (30 percent), and Cedar Rapids, Iowa (70 percent), and is expected to be completed by Aug. 19, 2017. Fiscal 2014 research, development, test and evaluation funds in the amount of $11,600,000 will be placed on contract and obligated at the time of award. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, San Diego, California, is the contracting activity.

ViaSat, Inc., Carlsbad, California, is being awarded a $72,673,450 modification

under a previously awarded multiple award contract (N00039-10-D-0032) increasing the scope authorized to perform all of the necessary design and development work required to bring tactical targeting network technology (TTNT) capability to the Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS) Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) Terminal for a successful critical design review. MIDS JTRS is a pre-planned product improvement replacement that transforms the MIDS low volume terminal into a four-channel, software-communications architecture-compliant JTRS terminal, while maintaining current Link-16 and tactical air navigation capability.

TTNT will significantly increase operational Link-16 networks’ capacities, improve network performance, and provide more capable and flexible Link-16 network designs for the warfighter.

Work will be performed in Carlsbad, California, and is expected to be completed by Aug. 19, 2017. Fiscal 2014 research, development, test and evaluation funds in the amount of $11,600,000 will be placed on contract and obligated at the time of award. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, San Diego, California, is the contracting activity.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Astro Aerospace sells Canada's MDA AIS antennas for RCM satellite Arctic use

Astro Aerospace to provide JIB Antennas for Radarsat - Via Satellite
Canada's MDA receives radar antennas for satellite use
JIB Monopoles

Self-deploying radar antennas from Astro Aerospace are to be used on Canada's Earth observation satellites that monitor maritime activity.

The antennas, which self-deploy in 200 milliseconds, are configurable stored-energy monopoles that will be integrated into the satellites' automatic identification system payload. The 13 antennas used in the RCM stow in a low mass and compact 4-inch by 4-inch by 2.5-inch canister, the company said.

 Northrop Grumman Delivers Lightning Fast, Self-Deploying Antennas for Canada's RADARSAT Constellation Mission

USN is also improving Arctic AIS coverage with MUOS

Next gen satellite to be tested during Arctic Shield 2014  
From studying the effects of solar activity to improve radio transmissions to enhancing the capabilities of Automated Identification Systems, the importance of having a reliable communications infrastructure in the Arctic has not been lost on researchers traveling aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Healy as part of Arctic Shield 2014.

The Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) is the U.S. Navy's next generation narrowband military satellite communications system that will replace the legacy Ultra High Frequency Follow-On (UHF-FO) communications system before that system reaches its end of service life. 

Satellite AIS is a relatively new technology that has changed the landscape for monitoring the maritime domain. Improving upon existing technology already deployed aboard most large vessels across the globe, Satellite AIS is truly revolutionary in providing a complete and global picture of the world’s shipping.

Main RCM applications

The RADARSAT Constellation mission is being designed for three main uses:
  • Maritime surveillance (ice, wind, oil pollution and ship monitoring);
  • Disaster management (mitigation, warning, response and recovery); and
  • Ecosystem monitoring (forestry, agriculture, wetlands and coastal change monitoring).
In addition to these core user areas, there are expected to be a wide range of ad hoc uses of RADARSAT Constellation data in many different government applications, federally and  provincially, and in the private sector, both in Canada and internationally.
Three-satellite constellation daily coverage of Canada
For example, while the mission design initially focused on maritime security requirements, land security, particularly in the Arctic, will be dramatically enhanced. The system offers up to four passes per day in Canada's far north, and several passes per day over the Northwest Passage.
The increase in revisit frequency introduces a range of applications that are based on regular collection of data and creation of composite images that highlight changes over time. Such applications are particularly useful for monitoring changes such as those induced by climate change, land use evolution, coastal change, urban subsidence and even human impacts on local environments.

Self-Deploying Monopole Antennas Seize Greater Coverage of the Seas | Active components content from Microwaves & RF

IEEE Xplore Abstract - Digital beamforming techniques applied to satellite-based AIS receiver
Maggio, F.; Rossi, T.; Cianca, E.; Ruggieri, M., "Digital beamforming techniques applied to satellite-based AIS receiver," Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, IEEE , vol.29, no.6, pp.4,12, June 2014
doi: 10.1109/MAES.2014.130168
This article investigates using DBF onboard AIS satellites with the objective to increase the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) so that the number of decoded AIS messages can be increased. A DBF system is based on an array of antenna elements acting as independent receivers that capture radio frequency (RF) signals. These signals are converted into two digital streams of baseband I and Q signals, and then they are weighted (by changing their amplitude and phase) so that when they are combined together (summed) they create a desired output (i.e., the AIS signal of interest with a high level of SINR). The article presents an antenna array with a single-element radiation pattern optimized to mitigate interference. Based on this antenna array, static and adaptive DBF techniques have been compared in terms of SINR increase and system complexity (i.e., need for a large antenna, computational complexity of an adaptive DBF technique, etc.)

Army pays Northrop Grumman $34.7M for VADER operations

Radar shows U.S. border security gaps - Los Angeles Times Contracts for Monday, August 18, 2014

Northrop Grumman Systems Corp., Linthicum Heights, Maryland, was awarded a  $34,666,402 modification (P00054) to contract W15P7T-11-C-H267 for  continued operations and sustainment of the Vehicle and Dismount  Exploitation Radar (VADER) currently deployed in theater. Fiscal 2014 operations and maintenance (Army) funds in the amount of $16,296,359 were  obligated at the time of the award. [Expense rate of $8.2M/month, with] Estimated completion date is Dec. 31, 2014. Work will be performed in Linthicum Heights, Maryland;  Hagerstown, Maryland; and Afghanistan. Army Contracting Command,  Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, is the contracting activity.

Army extends support for UAV man-hunting radar from Northrop Grumman through 2013 | sUAS News 

spendergast: Northrop Grumman to Operate VADER Man-Hunting Radar for UAV in Afghanistan 

UCAS-D Operating Next to F-18s Is Big News News Article: Face of Defense: USS Roosevelt Conducts UAV Testing
USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT, At Sea, Aug. 18, 2014 - The Navy's experimental unmanned X-47B air vehicle returned to carrier operations aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt Aug. 17 and completed a series of tests, operating safely and seamlessly with manned aircraft.

Building on lessons learned from its first test period aboard the Roosevelt in November 2013, the X-47B team is now focused on perfecting deck operations and performing maneuvers with manned aircraft in the flight pattern.
Unmanned Drones Landing Autonomously Next to F-18s Is a Very Big Deal
The days of piloted combat aircraft are quickly coming to an end, soon to be heavily augmented if not outright replaced by UCAS, or Unmanned Combat Air Systems. Just yesterday, the Navy's X-47B demonstrator proved that manned and unmanned operations can take place on the same flight deck.
The X-47B has already shown that is can take off and land autonomously aboard a roiling flight deck. During a series of trial flights aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt yesterday, Navy researchers examined whether the pilotless drone could reliably queue up and landing alongside conventional aircraft without colliding.

Navy conducts first series of drone and manned fighter jet operations - LA Times
"Today we showed that the X-47B could take off, land and fly in the carrier pattern with manned aircraft while maintaining normal flight deck operations," Capt. said Beau Duarte, program manager for the Navy's unmanned carrier aviation office, in a statement. "This is key for the future carrier air wing."

Unmanned Systems News 18/8/2014 - Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International
"For this test period, we really focused on integration with manned aircraft," said Lt. Cmdr. Brian Hall, X-47B flight test director. "We re-engineered the tailhook retract actuator and updated operating software to expedite wingfold during taxi, both of which reduce time in the landing area post-recovery. Our goal was to minimize the time in the landing area and improve the flow with manned aircraft in the landing pattern."

X-47B Combined Manned/Unmanned Carrier Operations | Defense Media Network
“The X-47B’s air vehicle performance, testing efficiency and safety technologies and procedures developed and tested throughout the program’s execution have paved the way for the Navy’s future carrier-based unmanned system capability,” said Rear Adm. Mat Winter, who oversees the Program Executive Office for Unmanned Aviation and Strike Weapons.

X-47B UCAS-D Northrop Grumman Unmanned Combat Air System Demonstration US Navy United States UAV Drone Technical Datasheet Specification Pictures Images Video

Saturday, August 16, 2014

E-3G AWACS upgrade achieves IOC > U.S. Air Force to do more with less

AWACS upgrade achieves initial operational capability - U.S. Air Force
TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. (AFNS) -- The commander of Air Combat Command, Gen. Mike Hostage, declared initial operational capability for the 552nd Air Control Wing's E-3G Sentry, an Airborne Warning and Control System Block 40/45 aircraft, July 28, here.

"This modification represents the most significant upgrade in the 35-plus year history of the E-3 AWACS and greatly enhances our crew members' ability to execute the command and control mission while providing a building block for future upgrades," said Col. Jay R. Bickley, the 552nd ACW commander.

Boeing E-3 Sentry AWACS | E-3B/C/G, Block 40/45, Costs/Budget, Specs
E-3G---This designation is applied to Block 40/45 upgraded aircraft. As of February 2012, two aircraft have been modified with entire fleet conversion planned by 2020. This is the most comprehensive upgrade in E-3 program history. Block 40/45 upgrades enhances tracking and combat identification capabilities, enhance mission effectiveness, improve mission system reliability, and lower life-cycle costs. Upgrades include a new mission computer system, using an open architecture with 50 computers and 24 software products and automated processes to greatly reduce operator workload; new operator consoles; improved electronic support measures (ESM) passive surveillance capability; and full next generation IFF. Block 40/45 IOC is scheduled for the fall of 2014

Airborne Warning and Control System Block 40/45 Upgrade (AWACS Blk 40/45 Upgrade) pdf

The Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) provides a highly mobile, flexible, survivable theater Battle Management, Wide Area Surveillance, and Command and Control (C2) capability. It is capable of detecting, identifying, and tracking airborne and maritime targets at extended ranges as well as identifying air/ground emitters. AWACS can relay “ big picture ” information to C2 agencies and friendly aircraft. AWACS provides worldwide response to situations requiring immediate on - scene C2/BM using embedded real - time surveillance for employment of US and allied combat air forces. AWACS is critical to gaining and maintaining battle - space air superiority. AWACS coordinates with both tactical and C2 assets in theater to execute the air mission.
The AWACS Block 40/45 Upgrade Program is the largest modification in US AWACS history and represents the critical foundation and baseline system required for all future AWACS enterprise modifications including net - centric operations.
The AWACS Block 40/45 Upgrade provides a single target/single track capability with an improved human - machine interface for time - critical targeting designed to increase combat effectiveness and reduce fratricide.
The AWACS Block 40/45 Upgrade Program includes

  • Electronic Support Measures sensor data processing upgrade;
  • Multi-Source Integration [(Objective =Threshold)All target data shall be correlated, fused, and integrated into a single track];
  • Net Ready [a Data Link Infrastructure with prioritized data link bandwidth management for Link 16/Link 11];
  • new battle management tools;
  • capability to parse, allow user access to, and integrate Air Control Order/Air Tasking Order data; and
  • enhanced mission and console recording capabilities
  • System must fully support execution of all activities identified in joint and system integrated architectures.
  • 1) DISR mandated GIG IT standards and profiles identified in the TV-1.
  • 2) DISR mandated GIG KIPs identified in the KIP declaration table.
  • 3) Net - Centric Operations and Warfare Reference Model Enterprise Services.
  • 4) IA requirements and issuance of an ATO by the DAA.
  • 5)  Operationally - effective information exchanges and mission critical performance specified in the applicable joint and system integrated architecture views

FY 2014 DoD Program:

FY 2014 provides funds in the amount of $154.3 million for modifications and spares for E-3 Sentry AWACS aircraft. The primary modification budgeted in FY14 is the Block 40/45 Upgrade (more info under FY 2015 below).

FY 2015 DoD Program:

FY 2015 provides funds in the amount of $179.7 million for modifications and spares for E-3 Sentry AWACS aircraft. The primary modification budgeted in FY14 is the Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) Block 40/45 modification. AWACS Block 40/45 modification upgrades legacy E-3 mission systems computers, display processors, and displays to provide critical support to Air Force Battle Management Command and Control (BM/C2) missions. It provides the foundation required for all future AWACS enterprise modifications through a customized implementation of Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) hardware with a software intensive architecture. The AWACS Block 40/45 Upgrade also provides a single target/single track capability with an improved human-machine interface for time-critical targeting designed to increase combat effectiveness and reduce fratricide. The AWACS Block 40/45 Upgrade also includes an upgrade to Electronic Support Measures (ESM) sensor data processing; data fusion of both off-board and on-board sensor data through multi-source integration (MSI); a Data Link Infrastructure (DLI) upgrade with prioritized data link bandwidth management; new battle management tools; capability to parse, allow user access to, and integrate updates to Tactical Data Information Link (TADIL)-J message formats and protocols; enhanced mission and console recording capabilities while maintaining legacy chat communications and onboard training; modification of system software to accommodate Diminishing Manufacturing Sources (DMS).

The FY 2015 budget divests seven E-3 aircraft from the fleet, resulting in a fleet size of 24 vs. 31 now. This adjustemnt to the fleet size will be implemented starting in FY15.

Approaches to Multisensor Fusion Architecture may be used in Block 40/45

AWACS Level 2 Fusion 
The E-3 AWACS SENTRY aircraft is the "brain" of the modern air war for the U.S. and its allies. The aircraft has powerful active and passive sensors and an array of Level 1 tracking algorithms for managing the real time kinematic "picture" of the air battle. The Air Force has an ambitious program of sensor enhancements and software to improve this Level 1 processing and Daniel H.Wagner Associates, Inc. is a key player in the effort to improve Level 1 system as a participant in the Multi-Sensor Integration arena. Our MSI algorithm was the first to be demonstrated in ESC's Fusion Evaluation Testbed and we have consistently shown outstanding test performance.

In an SBIR effort, Daniel H. Wagner Associates, Inc. enhanced an existing software program designed to perform multiple sensor, multiple target tracking for the E-3 AWACS. The specific enhancements made to the software include:

  • incorporation and correlation of offboard sensor data;
  • development of a data registration algorithm;
  • responsiveness to AWACS operator commands; and
  • recommendation of target identification.
In ongoing research for the Air Force Research Laboratory, Wagner Associates is investigating and implementing a number of Level 2 Data Fusion algorithms for use onboard the E-3 AWACS. Tools for Level 2 Data Fusion fall into two categories:
Situation Assessment (SA) and Sensor Management (SM). The functions of Situation Assessment are twofold:
  1. Operator Awareness and 
  2. Operator Workload Reduction. 
The functions of Sensor Management are:
  1. (1) Recommending sensor settings for sectors and subsectors based on situation and 
  2. (2) Managing complex settings for the operator. Below is a list of topics being investigated.

JDL Fusion Architecture
Boeing Phantom Works Fusion Architecture: A Flexible Approach for Multiple Projects and Domains - 0503.pdf

The Boeing Fusion Architecture provides a highly flexible, multi-source, easily integrated tracker for a variety of applications. Many target types can be tracked, either from sensor reports, sensor tracks, or other types of tracks. The interfaces input type, assignment method, tracktype, track maintenance algorithms, etc. can be selected at run time by the user. The code uses the advanced libraries and tools of Java to keep the application well positioned for quick turn around for demos, proposals and program hot starts. The architecture is a multithreaded, event driven architecture delivering realtime performance for multiple customers.

Boeing - Bradley - Dynamic Resource Allocation and Management for Level 4 Fusion - 0501.pdf

The sensor tasking capability discussed here is part of a Resource Allocation Manager (RAM) that integrates Command, Control and Communications (C3) functions within individual sensor subsystems, among multiple sensors on a platform, and across multiple independent platforms. The RAM contributes significantly to multi-platform interoperability and situatio n awareness operations. System level functional capabilities include interactive management of kinematic and non-kinematic attribute state estimation accuracies, Situation Assessment, Threat Assessment and data bandwidth management among cooperating sensing platforms. The RAM is innovative state-of-the-art closed-loop surveillance and tracking technology. The same algorithms that manage system level kinematic and identification accuracy also inherently manage sensor modes, bias and misalignment estimation, maintenance schedules, data link bandwidth usage, built-in-test, calibration and even logistics. An overview of the fusion architecture and tracking system in which the RAM is integrated is discussed first, followed by performance analyses using measured and modeled data