Saturday, August 30, 2014

GA-ASI Lynx Radar supports U.S. Navy SPS-JHSV 14 mission

2 Units of Ku Band Lynx Multi Mode SAR/GMTI Radar
include Gimbal Antenna and Radar Electronics

GA-ASI Radar Shines During U.S. Navy Spearhead IIA Exercise
Lynx Multi-Mode Radar Detects Small, High-Interest Maritime Targets
SAN DIEGO 28 August 2014 General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI), a leading manufacturer of remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) systems, radars, and electro-optical and related mission systems solutions, today announced that its Lynx® Multi-mode Radar successfully demonstrated the ability to support maritime operations in a littoral environment during the recent U.S. Navy Exercise Spearhead IIA held off the coast of Key West, Fla., in June.
King Air 350 configured with Lynx Radar Pod

Integrated aboard a Predator® B/MQ-9 Reaper surrogate (King Air 350), Lynx's Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Maritime Wide-Area Search (MWAS) modes detected mine-like-objects and very small vessels, including fast boats, sailboats, and fishing boats.

Concurrently, the King Air 350 data linked the Lynx and video data via the onboard L-3 Mini-T TCDL data link system to the Navy's Intelligence Carry-On Program (ICOP) data link system installed on the JHSV (Joint High Speed Vessel), with the ICOP system employing L-3's VideoScout®-CM2 video exploitation and management system.

GA-ASI Lynx Maritime Radar Performs Well in US Navy Exercises | UAS VISION
Lynx radar’s maritime wide area search mode performs anti-piracy operations during Navy test - Military Embedded Systems
SAN DIEGO – 22 August 2012 – The Maritime Wide Area Search (MWAS) mode of the Lynx multi-mode radar from General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA ASI) was demonstrated during the U.S. Navy’s Experiment Trident Warrior 2012 (TW12) that took place off the coast of Southern California.

USNS Spearhead (JHSV 1) Begins
Southern Partnership Station 2014

Plans Finalized for USNS Spearhead's Deployment to 4th Fleet AOR
NAVAL STATION MAYPORT, Fla. (NNS) -- Service members and civilians involved in the scheduled deployment of the joint high speed vessel USNS Spearhead (JHSV 1) this summer to the U.S. Southern Command and U.S. 4th Fleet area of operations met March 25 and March 26 here to finalize plans for the mission.

The Spearhead is a 338-foot-long catamaran with a top speed of 43 knots and an average speed of 35 knots.

With airline-style seating for 312 troops, a mission bay area of 20,000 square feet and a helicopter deck, it can be used in each of the 4th Fleet lines of operation: security cooperation activities, maritime security and contingency operations, including humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.

During its 4 1/2 months in the joint area of operations, it will visit Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and Colombia. It also will participate in counterdrug operations and conduct experiments on behalf of the Naval Warfare Development Command.

The mission, known as Southern Partnership Station-Joint High Speed Vessel 2014, will build on the experiences USNS Swift (HSV-2), another catamaran, which participated in Southern Partnership Station 2013 and completed testing of an unmanned blimp and unmanned aerial vehicle last year.

"The SPS-JHSV 14 mission is set to be an exciting deployment," said Ken Miller, U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command's lead planner for the mission. "The final planning conference is a key milestone in the operations planning cycle and helps to blend the detailed planning being done by all stakeholders."

KEY WEST, Fla. (April 24, 2013) The Military Sealift Command
high-speed vessel Swift (HSV 2) with a tethered TIF-25K aerostat
gets underway from Key West to conduct a series of at-sea
capabilities tests to determine if the aerostat can support future
Operation Martillo counter transnational organized crime
operations in the U.S. 4th fleet area of responsibility.
(U.S. Navy photo by Lt. Cmdr. Corey Barker/Released)

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