Saturday, September 13, 2014

SD Veterans Museum to pick Veteran of the year and Meritorious Support Org

Community Outreach Recognition Program of:
The Veterans Museum & Memorial Center
San Diego County Veteran of the Year

It is known that military veterans are excellent employees and citizens. They have outstanding work habits, are motivated, readily accept responsibility, and are team players. The"Veteran of the Year" program, established to recognize the contributions of Veterans to the San Diego community has selected a "San Diego County Veteran of the Year" since 1989. In 2001, the program expanded to encourage many civic, government, corporate, and service organizations to honor their veterans by selecting their "Veteran of the Year". From the pool of these selected Veterans of the Year, only one is honored as the "San Diego County Veteran of the Year", showing that the veterans contribute greatly to the morale of the work force, perform well in their duties, volunteer in the community and are good citizens. This program of the Veteran Museum & Memorial Center recognizes our heroes who continue to serve and contribute as our friends and neighbors.

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