Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Building a User-Friendly, Secure Clinical Mobile Workspace: Infoworld Webcast

Building a User-Friendly, Secure Clinical Mobile Workspace: Infoworld Webcast
In this webinar, hear how Southcoast Health System designed an integrated platform leveraging virtual desktop infrastructure and application virtualization to deliver its integrated EMR system plus a multitude of other critical applications as well as an enterprise mobility management solution to support their bring-your-own-device policies. Learn how Southcoast is able to increase user productivity, deliver faster implementations, maximize utilization of their IT teams, and provide apps, data and IT services to different users across multiple locations without physically touching desktops and mobile devices.

In addition, gain insight into how this new infrastructure protects against data leakage and controls the influx of new mobile devices by providing physicians and executives with simplified, anytime, anywhere access into a secure personal workspace.

By attending this event, participants will learn how to:
  • -Bolster the business case for desktop and app virtualization, enterprise mobility management and cloud network platform
  • -Embrace mobile devices and apps while maintaining security and control
  • -Increase system usage by taking a clinician-centered approach
  • -Build an agile infrastructure to support future organizational growth

Healthcare IT Solutions - Southcoast Health System - Citrix Customer Success - Case study - Citrix
Reaching its goals began with a decision to replace best-of-breed applications with a rich, integrated electronic medical record (EMR) solution from Epic. Now physicians and nurses can seamlessly access and view the same patient data as they move among facilities. “Whether physicians log in from the office or the hospital, they employ the same user ID to access Epic,” says Mark Lacombe, director of information technology at Southcoast. “Practitioners see the same patient information, whether a patient is in the hospital or has been discharged to our visiting nurses service.”
Southcoast also decided to give clinicians access from their device of choice. Yet with so many personal mobile devices and the diverse laptops and PCs owned by the health system, Southcoast needed an integrated platform that met both the ease-of-use requirements of clinicians and the security mandates of the business. “We have roughly 6,000 PCs and 800 laptops in the network,” says Lacombe. “Pushing data out to mobile devices without compromising security was a big concern.”

Clinical Mobility Forum Launches At mHealth Summit To Show How Leading Hospitals And Health Systems Are Adapting And Thriving With Mobile Technologies Summit Features Two Days of Focused Sessions, Keynotes and Special Events for Healthcare Providers - WorldNews

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