Friday, January 2, 2015

UAV for Christmas, Check Rules before you fly

Homeland Security Today: FAA Launches ‘Know Before You Fly’ Drone Safety Campaign
The ‘Know Before You Fly’ campaign provides prospective UAS operators with the information and guidance they need to fly safely and responsibly. The effort is being spearheaded by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) and the Small UAV Coalition in partnership with the FAA.

“There is a lot of excitement and enthusiasm around UAS, and the technology is becoming the must-have holiday gift,” said Michael Toscano, President and CEO of AUVSI. “The ‘Know before You Fly’ campaign fills a critical education gap just in time for the holiday season. We want to ensure that all prospective operators have the tools they need to fly safely and responsibly.”

FAA And Drone Industry Partners Launch 'Know Before You Fly' Campaign | Popular Science

Unmanned Aircraft Systems
 The new UAV may have lots of capabilities, but it is treated as a model aircraft, and subject to existing rules. If you want to do anything outside those limits, e.g. make money, an FAA COA is required, or get a waiver like the Motion Picture Companies.

That Drone Show on TV News |

Dave Oneal and Sarah attended the Drones for the Holidays event on Jan.3.2015 at our sponsor Go Professional Cases headquarters. It was a great day of meeting new friends, seeing old friends, and watching the public learn about how to fly drones safe. We also were featured on the TV News about the event as well. Hope this helps the public and the media realize that Drones are Good.


spendergast: FAA takes Heat on UAV Waivers to Hollywood 
spendergast: FAA Grounds USF Plan To Educate Students With UAV's 
FAA awards further UAV exemptions - 12/15/2014 - Flight Global

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