Saturday, March 14, 2015

Spanish Firm supplies Radar to Chinese ATC

Indra strengthens its position in Asia's Air Space | Indra
Indra Radars Will Support the Management of Chinese Air Space
Indra has acquired new contracts for deploying its radar surveillance systems in China. The company will implement 5 systems to reinforce control of the Shanghai air space, providing surveillance services to the East China Region. Likewise, the company will also deploy one surveillance systems in the middle south region and one more in Yinchuan and will expand the en-route control center in Xian. The global value of these contracts is approximately USD11 million.
Indra already has 30 Secondary Radars in operation in this country deployed during the last 8 years, which currently control approximately 60% of the Chinese sky.

Google Translate - Yibin radar station successfully completed INDRA radar antenna hoisting

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