Friday, May 1, 2015

Canadian Maritime Domain Awareness Overview

MDA BlueHawk
Technology: Securing oceans from space
Maritime domain awareness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Maritime domain awareness (MDA) is defined by the International Maritime Organization as the effective understanding of anything associated with the maritime domain that could impact the security, safety, economy, or environment.[1] The maritime domain is defined as all areas and things of, on, under, relating to, adjacent to, or bordering on a sea, ocean, or other navigable waterway, including all maritime-related activities, infrastructure, people, cargo, and vessels and other conveyances.


Marine Security Operations Centres - Maritime Security

In Canada, the 2004 National Security Policy resulted in the establishment of Marine Security Operations Centers (MSOCs) responsible for supporting a national response to maritime security threat. The East Coast MSOC is in Halifax, the West Coast MSOC is in Victoria, and the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway MSOC is in Niagara.[3]

Maritime Domain Awareness - Transport Canada

Maritime domain awareness makes our marine security system better because it helps us:
  • Quickly identify actual or potential threats to Canada’s marine transportation system;
  • Make informed decisions;
  • Take effective action;
  • Share knowledge with appropriate partners; and
  • Integrate situational awareness in “whole of government” efforts to respond to marine events and to limit the damage from such events.
Sovereignty & Security In Canada’s Arctic SENATE - rep07mar11-e.pdf

Dyck D. Canadian Maritime Surveillance.pdf

RADARSAT-2 - Canadian Space Agency
 Abstract  -  Project  Polar  Epsilon:  Joint  Space-Based Wide   Area   Surveillance   and   Support   Capability,   a capital  project  within  Canada’s  Defence  program,  will use   RADARSAT  2   to  enable  all-weather,   day/night persistent  surveillance  of  Canada’s  Arctic  region  and ocean    approaches.    Project    Polar    Epsilon    is    a transformational   initiative   to   introduce   space-based wide area surveillance to Canadian Government marine surveillance stakeholders. Effort in algorithm development    is   being   undertaken   to   expand   the potential  of  RADARSAT  2  for  the  sovereignty  and surveillance    mission.        Capabilities    being    further developed include: land surveillance of Canada’s Arctic Region via change detection techniques; ship detection;  environmental sensing and ocean intelligence.

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