Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Maritime Domain Awareness

Maritime Security - Maritime Situational Awareness (MSA)

National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office - Building Community to Protect the Maritime Domain
The National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office (NMIO) is the unified maritime voice of the United States Intelligence Community (IC). It operates as an IC Service of Common Concern to integrate and streamline intelligence support, providing a whole of government solution to maritime information sharing challenges.

NMIO neither collects nor produces intelligence. It breaks down barriers to information sharing and creates enabling structures and cultures to set the conditions for maritime partners to optimally share data. NMIO works at the national and international level to facilitate the integration of maritime information and intelligence collection and analysis in support of national policy and decision makers, Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) objectives, and interagency operations, at all levels of the U.S. Government (USG).

Our goal is to enable maritime stakeholders to proactively identify, locate, track, and defeat threats to the interests of the U.S. and its global partners.

Potential Sources of MDA from Space

  • Skybox Imaging - Skybox Imaging 
    • commercial high-resolution Earth observation satellite imagery, high-definition video and analytics services. 
    • cameras use two-dimensional imaging sensors.
    • resolution of its satellite imagery and videos is high enough to observe objects that impact the global economy like terrain, cars and shipping containers.
    • video clips lasting up to 90 seconds at 30 frames per second
    • based on the CubeSat concept with optimized design using inexpensive automotive grade electronics,[6] as well as fast commercially available processors.
    • Skybox’s first satellite, SkySat-1, launched on the Dnepr rocket from Yasny, Russia.[7] 
    • Skybox's second satellite, SkySat-2, launched on a Soyuz-2/Fregat rocket from Baikonur, Kazakhstan.[8] 
    • was acquired by Google Inc. in June for $500 million. 
    • was founded in 2009 and backed by Khosla Ventures. had raised more than $90 million,
    • plans to eventually launch a fleet of 24 satellites.[9]
  •  Planet Labs
  • Spire
    • formerly called NanoSatisfi Inc., has raised $25 million in Series A funding to launch a fleet of nanosatellites
  • Digital Globe


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