Monday, September 7, 2015

Market report projects X-band radar market to grow more than 3 percent over next five years

I/J- Band (X- and Ku- Band Radars)
In this frequency-band (8 to 12 GHz) the relationship between used wave length and size of the antenna is considerably better than in lower frequency-bands. The I/J- Band is a relatively popular radar band for military applications like airborne radars for performing the roles of interceptor, fighter, and attack of enemy fighters and of ground targets. A very small antenna size provides a good performance. Missile guidance systems at I/J- band are of a convenient size and are, therefore, of interest for applications where mobility and light weight are important and very long range is not a major requirement.
This frequency band is wide used for maritime civil and military navigation radars. Very small and cheap antennas with a high rotation speed are adequate for a fair maximum range and a good accuracy. Slotted waveguide and small patch antennas are used as radar antenna, under a protective radome mostly.
This frequency band is also popular for spaceborne or airborne imaging radars based on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) both for military electronic intelligence and civil geographic mapping. A special Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) is in use as a maritime airborne instrument of pollution control.

Radar Basics
X-band radar market to grow more than 3 percent over next five years - Military Embedded Systems

VANCOUVER, Wash. Analysts at Markets and Markets say the global X-band radar market for defense, government and commercial applications should grow by about 3.56 percent between 2015 and 2020.

The market, with an estimated value of $4.12 billion by the end of 2015 is expected to reach $5.08 billion by the end of the forecast period, according to  X-Band Radar Market - Global Forecasts, Trends & Analysis to 2015-2020."

Currently, about 3-5 percent of the total X-band radars around the world are portable due to the nature of the radar. A majority of the X-band radars that are installed are for the border security and
homeland security departments, Markets and Markets analysts say.

X-Band Radar Market by Type - 2020 | Markets and Markets

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