Saturday, October 10, 2015

Rand looks at Teacher Evaluation Reforms in California

District-Union Collaboration on Teacher Evaluation Reforms: Case Studies of Three School Districts in California | RAND

Teacher evaluations serve a dual purpose: 
  1. to hold
    teachers accountable for the quality of their instruction and student
    learning; and 
  2. to motivate and inform improvements in their practice. 
Given that teachers are considered to be the most important influence on
student learning within the school environment, it is not surprising
that policymakers look to teacher evaluations as a tool for improving
student achievement. The policy landscape surrounding teacher evaluation
in the U.S. is rapidly changing. Though reforms may be forwarded by
state mandates, federal incentives, and funding from private
foundations, implementation occurs at the district level, and in the 45
states where teachers unions are permitted, teacher evaluation
procedures may be subject to collective bargaining. It follows that
local stakeholders determine, to a large extent, the success of these
reform efforts. If efforts to implement new teacher evaluations are to
be successful — and ultimately effective — policymakers must understand
when and why school district leaders, local teachers unions, and other
key players collaborate, and how their interactions influence the reform
process and its outcomes.
This dissertation presents three case studies of school districts in
California that are working to reform their teacher evaluation policies.
My research aim was to identify the conditions that led to successful
development and adoption of teacher evaluation policies, as well as the
factors that have contributed to challenges in those districts. I
created a logical framework to outline the reform process and provide a
canvas for telling the story of each case study district and for
comparing cases. I explored the roles various stakeholders played over
the course of district reform efforts and the evolving relationships
between the districts and their teachers unions. I identified several
factors that influenced the relationships between teachers unions and
districts during the reform process and the policy outcomes of their
efforts. Identifying the conditions that enable or impede collaboration
can assist policymakers in making decisions that will encourage
collaboration and minimize conflict, thus increasing the likelihood that
their efforts will produce the desired outcomes. Based on my analysis, I
present recommendations for policymakers, practitioners, and for
further research.

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