Saturday, September 24, 2016

Chinese announce quantum radar capability to detect stealth

Quantum radar can detect what’s invisible to regular radar
| ExtremeTech
China Claims It Developed "Quantum" Radar To See Stealth Planes
Beijing's state media has made the bold claim that a Chinese defense contractor successfully developed the world's first quantum radar system. The radar can allegedly detect objects at range of up to 62 miles. If true, this would greatly diminish the value of so-called "stealth" aircraft, including the B-2 and F-22 Raptor fighter. But it's a pretty far-out claim.
Quantum radar is based on the theory of quantum entanglement and the idea that two different particles can share a relationship with one another to the point that, by studying one particle, you can learn things about the other particle—which could be miles away. These two particles are said to be "entangled".
In quantum radars, a photon is split by a crystal into two entangled photons, a process known as "parametric down-conversion." The radar splits multiple photons into entangled pairs—and A and a B, so to speak. The radar systems sends one half of the pairs—the As—via microwave beam into the air. The other set, the Bs, remains at the radar base. By studying the photons retained at the radar base, the radar operators can tell what happens to the photons broadcast outward. Did they run into an object? How large was it? How fast was it traveling and in what direction? What does it look like?


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  • SNAFU!: Chinese announce capability to detect stealth
  • The end of stealth? New Chinese radar capable of detecting ‘invisible’ targets 100km away | South China Morning Post
  • K. Lukin, "Quantum Radar vs Noise Radar," 2016 9th International Kharkiv Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves (MSMW), Kharkiv, 2016, pp. 1-4.
    • doi: 10.1109/MSMW.2016.7538137
    • Abstract: Preliminary results of the comparative analysis of Quantum Radar (QR) based upon quantum entanglement phenomenon and Noise Radar (NR) based upon classical coherence notion and correlation processing of random signals are presented in the paper. It has been shown that the basic idea of entangled multi-photon QR for simultaneous implementing of high penetrating ability of the entangled photons and high spatial resolution performance does not work because of decay of entangled state of the transmitted photons when they hits a wall, for example. QR operation abilities may be described in terms of classical physics. In addition, the multi-photon QR has been modeled by means of classically phase locked multi-frequency signals (regular and chaotic). Results of computer simulation of basic properties for such radar are presented.
    • CONCLUSIONS - Noise Radar was a “crystal dream” of radar engineers during several decades. Nowadays it works. Today Quantum Radar looks nonrealistic for the claimed long range applications, but it could be a promising approach in extremely near field applications. At the same time, since entanglement of two (or more) photons may be considered as a phase synchronized waves the same functions of Quantum Radar may be implemented with the help of classically synchronized (phase locked) waves of different frequencies. In this case a new type of QR may be introduced which exploits nonstationary nature of the entangled signals and may provide efficient detection of oscillating targets and in nonlinear radar implementations.
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      • [5] K. A. Lukin, et al., “Ka-band bistaic ground-based noise wavefom SAR for short-range applications,” IET Proc. Radar Sonar & Navigation,vol.2, pp 233-243, Aug. 2008.
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      • [13] K. Lukin, et al., “FPGA Based Software Defined Noise Radar,” Applied Radio Electronics, vol. 12, no.1, pp.89-94, 2013.
      • [14] K. Lukin, et al., “MIMO Noise Radar with Signals Time-Division in Receive Channels,” in European Radar Conference, EuRAD-2015,Paris, France, 2015, pp 125 – 128.
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    • keywords: {radar signal processing;NR;QR;classical coherence notion;correlation processing;entangled photons;noise radar;phase locked multifrequency signals;quantum entanglement;quantum radar;random signals;transmitted photons;Correlation;Imaging;Photonics;Quantum entanglement;Radar imaging;Radar signal processing;3D imaging;coherent signals;entangled photons;noise radar;phase synchronization;quantum radar},
    • URL:
X. Jiang et al., "InP-Based Single-Photon Detectors and Geiger-Mode APD Arrays for Quantum Communications Applications," in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 5-16, May-June 2015.
    • doi: 10.1109/JSTQE.2014.2358685
    • Abstract: To meet the increasing demand from quantum communications and other photon starved applications, we have developed various InP-based single-photon detectors, including discrete single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs), negative feedback avalanche diodes (NFADs), and Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode (GmAPD) arrays. A large quantity of InP SPADs have been fabricated. Out of 1000 devices with a 25-μm active area diameter, operated under gated mode at temperature of 233 K, with a pulse repetition rate of 1 MHz and pulse width of 1 ns, the average dark count rate and afterpulsing probability are 30 kHz and 8 × 10-5, respectively. Smaller (16-μm active area diameter) and larger (40-μm active area diameter) discrete devices have been fabricated as well, and their performances are presented along with the 25-μm diameter devices. NFAD devices can operate in free running mode and photon detection efficiency of 10-15% can be achieved without applying any hold-off time externally. When the temperature decreases from 240 to 160 K, the noise equivalent power (NEP) decreasesfrom1.9 × 10-16 to 1.8 × 10-18WHz-1/2, with the activation energy being 0.2 eV. The very low NEP at 160 K makes NFAD devices an ideal choice for long distance, entanglement-based quantum key distributions. GmAPD arrays provide an enabling technology for many active optical applications, such as 3-D laser detection and ranging (LADAR) and photon starved optical communications. Both 32 × 32 and 128 × 32 GmAPD arrays have been fabricated with high performance and good uniformity. GmAPD focal plane arrays (FPAs) with framed readout mode have enabled very high-performance flash LADAR systems. GmAPD FPAs with asynchronous readout mode will enable high rate quantum key distributions and other quantum communications applications.
    • keywords: {Geiger counters;III-V semiconductors;avalanche photodiodes;focal planes;indium compounds;optical arrays;optical communication equipment;optical radar;photodetectors;quantum cryptography;quantum entanglement;quantum optics;3-D laser detection and ranging;Geiger-mode APD arrays;Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode arrays;GmAPD FPA;GmAPD arrays;GmAPD focal plane arrays;InP;InP SPAD;InP-based single-photon detectors;NEP;NFAD devices;activation energy;active area diameter;active optical applications;afterpulsing probability;asynchronous readout mode;average dark count rate;discrete single-photon avalanche diodes;enabling technology;entanglement-based quantum key distributions;framed readout mode;free running mode;frequency 30 kHz;gated mode;high rate quantum key distributions;high-performance flash LADAR systems;hold-off time;negative feedback avalanche diodes;noise equivalent power;photon detection efficiency;photon starved applications;photon starved optical communications;pulse repetition rate;pulse width;quantum communication applications;size 16 mum;size 25 mum;size 40 mum;temperature 233 K;temperature 240 K to 160 K;time 1 ns;Communication systems;Detectors;Logic gates;Performance evaluation;Photonics;Solids;Temperature measurement;APD array;Geiger mode;Single-photon avalanche photodiode (SPAD);laser detection and ranging (LADAR);negative feedback;quantum communications;quantum key distribution (QKD);short-wave infrared (SWIR)},
    • URL:
  • M. Lanzagorta, J. Uhlmann and S. E. Venegas-Andraca, "Quantum sensing in the maritime environment," OCEANS 2015 - MTS/IEEE Washington, Washington, DC, 2015, pp. 1-9.
    • Abstract: Quantum sensors exploit quantum phenomena to achieve performance advantages over their classical counterparts. Some examples of quantum sensing devices that we will briefly describe in this paper include quantum photo-detectors, radar, lidar, magnetometers, and gravimeters. We will highlight their novel features and discuss their potential applications to problems related to naval operations in the maritime environment.
    • The fundamental idea behind an entanglement-based standoff monostatic electromagnetic quantum sensor, either radar or lidar, is shown in Figure 1 and it is based on the concept of quantum illumination [8]. However, while quantum illumination thrives for increased sensing performance (how to detect better), our approach is more concerned with stealthy sensing operations (how to detect a target with some error probability, using the smallest possible number of photons) [16], [30], [31]. Monostatic sensing means that the detector and the emitter are in the same physical location. In the proposed sensing device, an entangled pair of photons is created. These are called the signal and the idler (or ancilla) photons. The idler photon is kept within the system while the signal photon is sent through a medium towards a potential target. With certain probability, the signal photon may, or may not encounter the target. If the signal photon does not encounter the target, then it will continue to propagate in space. In such a case all measurements performed by the detector will be of noise photons. On the other hand, if the target is present and the signal photon is “bounced back” towards the detector, then it will be detected with certain probability. In a sense, the signal photon is “tagged” because of the quantum correlations due to the entanglement, and therefore it will be “easier” to correctly identify it as a signal photon rather than misidentify it as a noise photon [11], [16], [30], [31].
      Electromagnetic quantum sensors are formally described using quantum field theory. As a consequence, the exact same theory applies to the physical description of quantum radar and quantum lidar. Of course, while the equations are the same, the frequency and frequency-dependent parameters will have different values in the microwave (radar) and optical (lidar) regimes. Also, the actual physical implementation of these devices will be different according to the frequency. However, the general features and performance advantages offered by electromagnetic quantum sensors are similar in both regimes.
    • keywords: {marine communication;gravimeters;lidar;magnetometers;maritime environment;quantum photo-detectors;quantum sensing;quantum sensing devices;quantum sensors;radar;Laser radar;Photonics;Quantum entanglement;Sensor phenomena and characterization},
    • URL:
  • C. Zhou, W. Qian and Y. Zhang, "Quantum information technology in radar system," Information Technology and Electronic Commerce (ICITEC), 2014 2nd International Conference on, Dalian, 2014, pp. 195-198.
    • doi: 10.1109/ICITEC.2014.7105600
    • Abstract: Quantum radar is a remote sensor that exploits quantum phenomena to perceive target in the distance and receive its state information. In this article, the concept and principle of quantum radar are introduced in detail, including interferometrie quantum radar, quantum ladar and quantum illumination radar. And it is proved in theory that quantum radar can beat standard quantum limitation and surpass classical radar.
    • keywords: {optical radar;quantum theory;radar interferometry;remote sensing by radar;interferometric quantum radar System;quantum illumination radar;quantum information technology;quantum ladar;quantum phenomena;remote sensor;Lighting;Quantum entanglement;Radar detection;Radar remote sensing;Receivers;Quantum information;quantum entanglement;quantum radar;quantum sensor},
    • URL:
  • P. Lin, Z. Yu and C. Li, "Review and forecast of quantum radar," Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR), 2013 Asia-Pacific Conference on, Tsukuba, 2013, pp. 432-433.
    • Abstract: The Radar is a kind of active remote-sensing device which has the abilities to detect and identify targets in all weathers. With the development of the radar system, the pursuit of higher SAR image quality makes the radar system more and more complicated so that the current radar systems need a revolution. Theoretical analyses show that a device processing quantum information has the potential to promote its sensitivity at utmost and the system performance would be increased as a result. This paper demonstrates the development history of quantum radar and predicts the feasibility of the quantum radar.
    • keywords: {object detection;remote sensing by radar;synthetic aperture radar;active remote-sensing device;device processing quantum information;higher SAR image quality;quantum radar development history;quantum radar feasibility prediction;quantum radar forecast;quantum radar review;radar system development;system performance;target detection;target identification;theoretical analyses;Photonics;Quantum entanglement;Radar cross-sections;Radar remote sensing;Sensitivity},
    • URL:
  • A. V. Kuznetsova, "Using quantum information theory in remote sensing systems," Antenna Theory and Techniques (ICATT), 2013 IX International Conference on, Odessa, 2013, pp. 518-520.
    • doi: 10.1109/ICATT.2013.6650832
    • Abstract: The using of major quantum properties in radio sensing systems is discussed. The influence of the main measurements features and the basic categories of quantum sensors are shown.
    • keywords: {information theory;quantum communication;quantum computing;quantum theory;radiocommunication;remote sensing;sensors;quantum information theory;quantum properties;quantum sensors;radio sensing systems;remote sensing systems;Photonics;Quantum computing;Quantum entanglement;Radar cross-sections;Sensors;Radar;quantum computing;quantum information;quantum radar;quantum sensors},
    • URL:
  • Y. Chen, H. Yang and H. Zhao, "Quantum radar technology and its developments," Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS), 2013 International Conference on, Chengdu, 2013, pp. 195-199.
    • doi: 10.1109/ICCCAS.2013.6765317
    • Abstract: Quantum metrology exploits quantum phenomena to improve the measurement sensitivity. Theoretical analysis shows that quantum measurement can break through the standard quantum limits and reach super sensitivity level. Quantum radar systems based on quantum measurement can fufill not only conventional target detection and recognition tasks but also capable of detecting and identifying the RF stealth platform and weapons systems. The theoretical basis, classification, physical realization of quantum radar is discussed comprehensively in this paper. And the technology state and open questions of quantum radars is reviewed at the end.
    • keywords: {military radar;radar detection;radar target recognition;weapons;RF stealth platform;measurement sensitivity;quantum measurement;quantum metrology;quantum phenomena;quantum radar technology;recognition task;standard quantum limits;super sensitivity level;target detection;weapons system;Lighting;Photonics;Quantum entanglement;Radar detection;Radar imaging},
    • URL:
  • M. Raybaut, A. Godard, A. K. Mohamed and M. Lefebvre, "Doubly resonant optical parametric oscillator: A generic transmitter architecture for DIAL," CLEO: 2011 - Laser Science to Photonic Applications, Baltimore, MD, 2011, pp. 1-3.
    • doi: 10.1364/CLEO_SI.2011.CTuD5
    • Abstract: Entangled cavity doubly resonant optical parametric oscillators are able to provide high peak power, single longitudinal mode emission, with wide tuning range and high frequency stability, which make them well suited for multi-specie DIAL.
    • keywords: {laser frequency stability;optical parametric oscillators;optical radar;optical transmitters;quantum entanglement;differential absorption LIDAR;doubly resonant optical parametric oscillator;entangled cavity;generic transmitter;high frequency stability;multispecie DIAL;single longitudinal mode emission;wide tuning range;Laser excitation;Laser radar;Nonlinear optics;Optical transmitters;Oscillators;Pump lasers;Tuning},
    • URL:
  • M. Raybaut et al., "Single longitudinal mode, 3 MHz frequency stable, 11mJ, type II doubly resonant OPO/OPA for CO2 DIAL," 2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum electronics and Laser Science Conference, Baltimore, MD, 2009, pp. 1-2.
    • doi: 10.1364/CLEO.2009.CWC7
    • Abstract: For CO2 differential-absorption LIDAR, the single-mode output of a type-II PPLN entangled-cavity nanosecond doubly-resonant OPO emitting at 2.05 mum is amplified to 11 mJ, with 3 MHz rms frequency stability and a M2 < 1.9.
    • keywords: {high-speed optical techniques;lithium compounds;optical parametric amplifiers;optical parametric oscillators;optical radar;quantum entanglement;DIAL;LiNbO3;differential-absorption LIDAR;energy 11 mJ;entangled-cavity nanosecond doubly-resonant OPO;frequency 3 MHz;frequency stability;longitudinal mode;single-mode output;type II doubly resonant OPO-OPA;wavelength 2.05 mum;Energy states;Frequency conversion;Laser excitation;Laser radar;Laser tuning;Nonlinear optics;Optical amplifiers;Resonance;Stability;Stimulated emission;(190.1900) Diagnostic applications of nonlinear optics;(190.4970) Parametric oscillators and amplifiers},
    • URL:
  • S. Guha, "Receiver design to harness quantum illumination advantage," 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Seoul, 2009, pp. 963-967.
    • doi: 10.1109/ISIT.2009.5205594
    • Abstract: An optical transmitter that uses entangled light generated by spontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC), in conjunction with an optimal quantum-optical receiver (whose implementation is not yet known) is in principle capable of obtaining up to a 6 dB gain in the error-probability exponent over the optimum-reception un-entangled coherent-state lidar to detect the presence of a far-away target subject to entanglement-breaking loss and noise in the free-space link . We present an explicit design of a structured quantum-illumination receiver, which in conjunction with the SPDC transmitter is shown to achieve up to a 3 dB error-exponent advantage over the classical sensor. Apart from being fairly feasible for a proof-of-principle demonstration, this is to our knowledge the first structured design of a quantum-optical sensor for target detection that outperforms the comparable best classical lidar sensor appreciably in a low-brightness, lossy and noisy operating regime.
    • keywords: {optical transmitters;quantum entanglement;SPDC transmitter;entangled light;entanglement-breaking loss;error-probability;free-space link;gain 6 dB;harness quantum illumination advantage;optical transmitter;optimal quantum-optical receiver;optimum-reception un-entangled coherent-state lidar;quantum-illumination receiver;quantum-optical sensor;receiver design;spontaneous parametric downconversion;target detection;Information processing;Laser radar;Lighting;Noise generators;Optical design;Optical receivers;Optical transmitters;Performance gain;Propagation losses;Quantum entanglement},
    • URL:

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