Sunday, October 16, 2016

Preparation of IPCSG Newsletter

Subject: IPCSG Newsletters

Programs required:

Have a Windows PC with internet access and have knowledge of the following Programs
  1. Microsoft Word,  
  2. Microsoft Publisher [4 Alternatives to Microsoft Publisher] and  
  3. Microsoft PowerPoint. 

files used to create the newsletter.  

  1. The Word file “Newsletter Notes July.docx” is where I begin gathering data to drop into 
  2. the Publisher file “IPCSG 2016 July Newsletter” (This starts out as a Draft file).  
Production Files
  1. distribute and .pdf files to Lyle, Gene Van Vleet and John Tassi for comment---probably now to me as well.  
  2. create Final .pub and .pdf files. 

newsletter process steps:

  1. start by calling up the previous file and edit it. 
  2. create a recap of the previous month’s meeting.  
    1. The tools are a rough-cut video provided by Bill Manning, our videographer, usually only a few days after the meeting.  It comes from the 2nd camera that you may have noticed on the right side of the auditorium and is unedited.  
    2. get a copy of each speaker’s PowerPoint file.  I work with a note pad to drop in significant data by viewing the video and pulling up the slides from PowerPoint as an aid. 
    3. create the recap from the notes in a draft .pub file---this could be done in word first if preferred. 
  3. start developing the data for the succeeding pages. 
    1. “Future Meetings” (Page 3 of the attached Newsletter) is updated by communications with George Johnson and/or Gene Van Vleet .  
    2. The FYI is sourced by me, Lyle and George, primarily. 
    3. On The Lighter Side” section is on page 4.  
      1. I google funny cartoons and drop a few I like on the Word document.  
      2. I google things like “About Humor” and “Aha Jokes” to develop the humor stuff.  
    4. develop the Prostate Cancer News articles to include in the newsletter.  
      1. google Prostate Cancer News and find the best sources are
        Medical News Today,
        Science Daily,
        Prostate Cancer News Today and
        Prostate Cancer Foundation
        to name a few.  You will find that many have the same stories.  
      2. try to focus on the most recent.  Try to fit to our general audience, I try not to pick highly technical articles.  PCRI puts out some good info.  You should get on their distribution. I drop articles I like on the Word document for starters, because they have to be edited for the Newsletter by sizing and often converting to the format used in the newsletter—Gill Sans MT font size 12. 
  4. Prepare final draft. 
    1. sort through the stuff developed on the word document and start dropping it in the .pub draft.  This requires text box sizing and page adds or deletions to get to the final product.  
    2. The text boxes on page 9 of the July sample are standard as is the last page which is the map and directions. 
    3. There is no “copyright” in how I have developed it.  I had to learn all the programs when I took over.  IPCSG will pay for any needed programs. 
  5. Timing of the newsletter is to get the final version to John Tassi, our webmaster, on Thursday of the week prior to the next meeting.  
    1. It is necessary to print about 80 copies, about 
    2. 50 get mailed to members who don’t do e-mail and about 
    3. 30 to put on the meeting freebie table. 

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