Saturday, December 13, 2014

Priority #1 MTN Monitoring and Analysis Component

MTN Monitoring and Analysis:

1)      Recording and Playback for both visual display and forensics-level data
a)      Continuously records track data display and Data Extraction and Reduction Guide (dated 14 Feb 2011) (DERG) data from multi-TDL ops for dynamic playback and analysis
i)        Provides DERG capability for MIL-STD 3011 mission management messages
ii)      Continuously extracts and records the multi-TDL picture in real time, while maintaining correct time stamping (Zulu, with full date-time-group) on permanent external storage media/network storage without over-writing
iii)    Able to record a minimum of 36 hours of multi-TDL ops without over-writing
(1)   Intuitive means to manually or automatically backup/store recordings to external media and/or network storage
iv)    Store recorded information onto a permanent external storage media/network storage while not interrupting or otherwise impacting real-time recording
v)      Able to capture, save and transmit via email, segments of playback recording utilizing a program compatible with AOC/AF Enterprise viewer capabilities (Ex: windows media file or MPEG type video file)
vi)    Playback in normal speed, slow and fast mode(s), or to a user identified time, displaying file details and allowing annotation of the file by user
vii)  Search feature- allows for search and highlight of specific track number/IU, fast-forwarding recording to specific date/time identified track is found
viii)            Records, saves and displays DERG data into easily readable, searchable, sortable and downloadable spreadsheet format
(1)   Allows Boolean logic for filtering and searches of recorded data by message type (i.e. J2.2, etc.), IU, modes/codes, RR, ID, etc.
(2)   Allows operator to select which fields to view, as well as to manipulate column order and sort on a column
(3)   Allows for custom filtering/color coding of selected messages
(4)   Compares messages to MIL-STD, identifying discrepancies
(5)   Ability to display, save and export multiple log files based on search criteria
(6)   Able to save screenshots of DERG data which can be cut and pasted into slides or sent via email for analysis, reference
2)      Monitors Time Slot Duty Factor (TSDF)
a)      Ensures proper equation/calculation of TSDF
b)      Analyzes TSDF for each JU, based on actual transmission pulses versus assigned
c)      Able to calculate total area TSDF for a geographic area defined by an operator 
d)     Monitors TSDF through examination of network elements by time slot group 
e)      Alert capability to show potential and actual TSDF violations
f)       Able to record, save, print TSDF log file and transmit via email
3)      Track Data Monitoring and Analysis
a)      Able to display, process and analyze MTN messages to include no less than 16,000 link tracks (threshold) and 20,000 (objective)
b)      Directly monitors local RF NTR (Network Time Reference) and ETR (External Time Reference) based networks
c)      Allows for accurate remote monitoring and analysis of NTR and ETR based networks from reach back location via TCPIP/JREAP C connectivity from terminal and/or connectivity to established gateway (i.e., does not require additional equipment or terminal on either end to interface)
d)     Utilizes unit's existing JTIDS/MIDS terminals to extract data - no additional terminal required
e)      Compatible with all variants of JTIDS/MIDS terminals as well as all available protocols (e.g. 1553, x.25, and IP protocols)
f)       Able to remotely monitor and analyze data via TCPIP/JREAP C connectivity from multiple terminals/sites
g)      "JICO Whiteboard" capability to visualize active/inactive participants and connectivity
i)        Automatically identify units within the MTN (RF and BLOS) and identify to operator those units actively participating, not participating or those units who have issues that require attention
ii)      Ability to click on units and/or links to display properties derived from the link monitoring or OPTASK LINK roles/duties (IU, track block, role, etc.)
h)      Monitors OPTASK LINK compliance, alerting operator for non-compliance such as:
i)        Unassigned/incorrect IU
ii)      Transmission outside of track block
i)        Monitors tracks, identifies anomalies, providing operator selectable (filterable) alerts to include:
i)        Loss of NTR
ii)      Multiple NTR
iii)    Loss of NCS
iv)    Loss of Sat-J/JREAP A Controller
v)      Loss of ETR node -GPS synch
vi)    Dual tracks
vii)  Duplicate tracks, track numbers
viii)            ID conflicts
ix)    PPLI location shifts, jumps
x)      R2 battles or shifts
xi)    Track jumps
xii)  Track drops
(1)   IU conflicts
(2)   Data looping
(3)   Loss of network controller
xiii)            IFF/SIF and identification conflicts
xiv)            IU transmitting outside of assigned track block
xv)  Unassigned/unknown JU
xvi)            Unassigned/unknown track number
(1)   Searches and provides alerts for operator-specified MTN parameter trends
(2)   Displays relevant operational status information for:
xvii)          Link 16 (threshold)
4)      Synchronization and network time
(1)   Network participation status
(2)   Connectivity
(3)   Timeslot utilization by NPG
(4)   Data and/or track update rates by unit and for network
(5)   Proper unit initialization
(6)   Proper unit participation in the network
(7)   PPLI position reports for anomalies
(8)   Navigation qualities, time qualities, status indicators, equipment status
(9)   Relative navigation
(a)    Net time reference, net entry terminal and other network participation roles
(b)   Control and voice nets selected
(c)    Track capacity vice assigned slot capacities
(d)   Interfaced terminals loop back and received message status
(e)    NTR/ETR NTR status - with alert if lost or changed
(f)    Message and bit error rates
(g)   Round Trip Timing status - with operator selectable alert threshold
(h)   Identifies active relay platforms
(i)     Identifies active Time Slot Reallocation platforms
ii)      SATCOM Link 16 (threshold)
(1)   Satellite network cycle time - with operator selectable alert threshold
(2)   Participation status
(3)   Error rates
(4)   Data received and transmitted
(5)   Transmit sequence list
iii)    Link 11 UHF/HF (objective)
(1)   Net cycle time - with operator selectable alert threshold
(2)   Participation status
(3)   RF quality
(4)   Reception qualities
(5)   Side band usage by unit
(6)   Proper unit participation and update rates in network
(7)   Unit position reports for anomalies
(8)   Status indicator and equipment status
(9)   Presence of NCS/Loss of NCS
(10)                       Presence of GRU/Loss of GRU
5)      Interoperable with the MTN training component - allowing for monitoring and analysis training of real-world track data and injected anomalies as created by the MTN training component

(Objective) MTN Monitoring and Analysis capabilities - should not delay the delivery of a network monitoring and analysis tool

i)        Combat Net Radio/VMF K series message analysis
ii)      SADL XY and SADL Z/EPLRs analysis
iii)    JREAP A, B and C header messages analysis
iv)    Link 22 analysis
(Objective) MTN Monitoring and Analysis capability - should not delay delivery of network monitoring and analysis tool:
1)      Beyond-Line-of-Sight (BLOS EHF SATCOM, IP Connectivity) Analysis and Management
(1)   Monitors/Analyzes BLOS connectivity (to be leveraged against Navy efforts with Link Monitoring and Management Tools (LMMT) prototype and JWIN JTCD, if possible) - more information from, coordination with Navy Air and Missile Command and applicable ACC/A5/8/9 Divisions required to pursue common or complimentary capabilities.
ii)      BLOS connectivity
iii)    error rates
iv)    data latency
v)      speed of service
vi)    data delays
vii)  data loss
viii)            improved data routes
ix)    OPTASK LINK compliance

(Objective) MTN Management capability - should not delay delivery of network monitoring and analysis tool:

Dynamic Network Management

1)      Future AF operational requirements may necessitate the ability for the JICO/JICO organization to dynamically plan/re-plan the MTA. In the case of Link 16 network management, the following will be required as capabilities mature:
(1)   Dynamic Network Management
ii)      Password, user profile protected for ICO position, designees
iii)    Read only default permissions for other users
(1)   Able to dynamically manage (send Link 16 management messages) to local RF networks as well as to remotely manage RF networks from a reach back location via JREAP C/TCPIP connectivity
(2)   Able to identify unassigned/unused timeslots
(3)   Able to assign unallocated time slots to a platform's participation group over the link via J0.x series messages
(4)   Able to transmit partial and complete time/relay slot assignments to platforms via the J0.x series messages to support dynamic entry and egress of platforms
(5)   Able to delete partial and complete time/relay slot assignments for platforms via J0.x series messages
(6)   Able to change operational network
(7)   Able to reassign network roles
(8)   Able to activate and deactivate relays
(9)   Able to add unassigned timeslots to a Network Participation Group (NPG)
(a)    Able to add/delete timeslots within a NPG
(b)   Able to add/delete timeslots between NPGs
(c)    Able to change platform initialization loads
(d)   Able to change message packing format
(e)    Able to change crypto variable logic label (CVLL) assignments
(f)    Able to modify platform crypto loads (i.e., over-the air rekeying)
(g)   Immediate error/alert message when intended action fails or is prohibited

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